Thursday, December 31, 2009

A long story. Romantic feelings towards best friend of same sex, head not on straight, advice please?

I am a 24 year old girl with a boyfriend of seven years. Over the last two years I have become great friends with a girl that I worked with. Although we have nothing in common (she likes motorbikes and tennis and hates girly stuff, and I like music, make up and movies) we seem to click and whenever I needed someone to chat to at work I always went to her. When there was a work outing we always ended up being the last ones out drinking together in a club. She left our company a few months ago and I was devestated, but we promised to keep in contact, which we did. I started having sexual dreams about her about 6 mths ago. But recently we are getting closer and there is a little flirting happening. She also said (albeit lightheartedly) that if anything ever went wrong with her husband that she is giving up on men and is going to be a lesbian. I said ';I'll be your girlfriend'; and she said ';Yeah? let's shake on it...'; What do I do? I wouldn't ask if I wasn't serious. Thanks for help. xA long story. Romantic feelings towards best friend of same sex, head not on straight, advice please?
Maybe you should do stuff together with your boyfriend like going on holiday, cinema etc. Spend more time with each other, but when you do and you still think of her then tell her how you feel, im sure she'll understand.A long story. Romantic feelings towards best friend of same sex, head not on straight, advice please?
She may not feel the same way. You could try talking openly about it to her but consider the consequences. Will she be understanding that it is a curiosity and may be nothing more than that?

Test the water before you dive in. Seek her opinion on the subject generally.
oh this is a toughy. If your feelings are serious and stronger then your boyfriends, try going for her.
If you didn't have a boyfriend, %26amp; she wasn't married, would you be with this woman? If the answer is ';no';, you most probably have nothing at all to worry about. But if the answer is ';yes';, you probably have to question your relationship with your boyfriend first. If you're having thoughts about being with someone else, maybe it's showing you that the relationship you're in isn't really working. If it was amazing and you were with ';The One';, then you wouldn't be contemplating someone else, and writing this question on here, would you?

I definitely think she likes you. If she is flirty with you and asked you to shake on being her girlfriend, it's as though she is letting you see she likes you but is keeping ';safe'; because she doesn't want to alarm you, probably. If she has a husband though, are you sure she's not completely straight and just OVERLY friendly and slightly flirty? You don't want to wreck a friendship over this. But I think by what you've said, there's definitely more than friendship going on between the two of you.

Does she sound happy with her husband, talk about him lots, is she planning children with him? If the answers to these questions are yes, then she's probably not even thinking about leaving him, and is just being playful with you. I think you need to look at your own relationship. If it's not working out, maybe you could end it and then see how this girl reacts. If she seems pleased and flirts with you even more (she might be holding back because you have a boyfriend and she doesn't want to come across as eager and she may even think you're totally straight) then you'll know there is definitely something there.

Good luck.
First off she is married and if she said lightheartedly that if anything went bad with her husband she'd become a lesbian, then I would take it she is still happily married. Perhaps she wants the husband and the girl on girl action on the side, that I can't tell you from your post, but it sounds to me you would end with a broken heart if you were just a little action to her.

You have been with your boyfriend for seven years - the famous year known as ';the Seven Year Itch'; perhaps you are looking for something different, maybe you're bored with your boyfriend. Maybe you are coming to terms with your own lesbian or bi nature. Only you can know these things. Really sit down and try and think if you want to continue with your boyfriend, if you want a woman in your life, or maybe none of the above even.

Just remember your friend is off limits. Maybe you are reading her signals all wrong. If you want to explore your lesbian side, go for it, with another woman.
First off, let me say that I understand how you feel. I am close to your age, and my thoughts and feelings have long been confused. You asked ';what do I do?'; I ask ';What do you want?'; You definitely have a connection with this girl -- but its hard to tell the nature of this connection. I believe there is what is known as ';companionate'; love and ';romantic'; love, and that they don't always overlap. I am assuming that you do have sexual and passionate feelings for her? You mentioned dreams, but dreams don't necessarily indicate a true desire. Do you feel as if you cannot deal with her just being your friend? A great friend is as beloved, in my opinion, as a romantic partner. It's just a different form of loving. For instance, I realized that the feelings I had for my female crushes where the kind that you get from being outside on a nice day, whereas the feelings I had for the male crushes were that ';sun and moon'; feeling. That sounds kinda weird, but hopefully the analogy makes sense....

I'm not trying to discourage you from her -- just saying to be sure of what you want beforehand, because a friendship is a terrible thing to have go bad over a failed romance. Also, she is married and you are in a serious relationship... Would this situation make you uncomfortable if it were a married man you felt an inclination for? It's hard to read the signs without actually seeing the two of you together, but the ';lesbian jokes'; could very well just be jokes. Many of my friends make these kind of comments all the time, and, as far as I know, I'm the only one who has even questioned (although its a secret, so could be more of them). I think a women do tend to be ';into'; each other, but not to a point where they feel driven to act on it. Do you feel that you need to do so, or are the strong feelings just making you anxious?

If you do feel like you truly are meant to be with her as a romantic couple, perhaps you need to talk to her. But I would wait a bit into rekindling your friendship, as the various circumstances make it a tricky thing at this point in time.

Need some romantic advice?

ok I told a friend of 7 years that i'm crazy about her. Funny thing, I didn't really know it untill a couple weeks ago. I was thinking about it for a time, and when I told her how I felt, she said she's been thinking the same thing. Which is great really. I've been good friends with her for years, I just never thought this would happen. But it did, I tried to jump the friend/romance gap and I made it. But now that she and I have said we're interested in the other and are really happy talking about things, Neither of us has a clue as to what to do now. We both like the other, and she's 19, i'm 24. But, I myself, don't know if it's best to take it slow, or treat things like the beginning of any other relationship. I was thinking more of the latter. Any thoughts? Also, I realyl want to send her a poem, cause I really suck at writeing it myself lol. So, does anyone know a good website for romancit poetry, or one that talks about friendship/romance? really need the help on this one. Can you help me out??Need some romantic advice?
i am very happyNeed some romantic advice?
For one my friend you are friends....Thats a great start....But just remember that,to love her you must first feel that you are friends...then the love an need comes next...try this........Loving you is all i need,being with you satisfies all we need.....but if i die i'll go to heaven they will give me wings,a golden harp with silver strings and there apond i will wait for you by the gate that you must come through, if and when it comes your time and you don't show...I'll know you gone the other way.....and just to prove my love so true? I'll give back my wings,golden harp with silver strings and just to prove my love for you i'd walk through hell to be with you........geb hope this helps gl
You must keep going like that but don't go to the wrong side (you will be understanding me right?). I mean if you do whatever you will do after marry don't do that before. because you both will loose the respect. And one thing more that if your (both of yours or either ones) parents will not accept for your marriage it will only hurt you, her life will not destroy.

anyway pray for me and best of luck.

I'm 23. A virgin. A nice, romantic guy. Looking for a girl to help me with my Virginity. Any advice???

ummm.... hmmm look somewhere else???? like where you can actually SEE a girl???I'm 23. A virgin. A nice, romantic guy. Looking for a girl to help me with my Virginity. Any advice???
hey nothing wrong with that-don't let anyone ever convince you otherwise-i'm almost 20 and i only had my first make out session like 4-5 years ago...just gotta let things happen when they do i know i'm a perfectly normal person and i'd rather find someone that wants to be with me for me rather than just ''action,action,action';...granted action is really awesome at times but it means absolutely nothing than compared to something you hold meaningfulI'm 23. A virgin. A nice, romantic guy. Looking for a girl to help me with my Virginity. Any advice???
Yes, find a nice, romantic girl. Tell her you expect to be a virgin until after you're married. If she is not cool with that she doesn't respect you, kick her to the curb. If she's OK with it, hang on to her, she may be the one.
Hey, that sucks for you. Let's see... find a nice girl, not a slut but a NICE girl, go slow with her, make sure you kiss before entering the friend zone, and before you know it, you'll be just like every other retarded shallow guy, hope this helps, ( from a guy's perspective... not gay )
Work with any ladies at the office. Compliment looks, never tell any girl she is NOT pretty.Smell good make sure of it, deodorant always.Fohawks are gay. Put yourself out there, start conversation, be bold and confident.Don't ignore her phone calls for more than 2 days.
Why should you rushing for that?Bcoz you're virgin? Yeah, maybe others will laugh at you and embarass, coz you still virgin at this age. I think you must have sex with someone who really love you and you too. Let your first be a wonderful experience. Don't you think so?
Is this a problem for you? I'm 18 and I plan to keep the old V card till I get married. If you're 23 you might as well hold out a few more years till you find a wife.
make sure you find the right person, don't find someone just to have sex with them, make sure you establish a meaningful relationship with them.
Go find a friends with benefits so whenever you find a real girlfriend you won't come in 2 seconds. Good Luck
all i can say is you are going to find the right girl one day when the time is right.
go downtown and i'm sure there will be someone there to help you with that.
There's nothing wrong with that!

Find the right girl.

If you can't... go to a sex bar somewhere downtown.
dont 'date someone juts to have sex with them

you're a jerk.

Any Advice On How To Make A Proposal Special And Romantic?

My boyfriend proposed to me a little while ago, and I said yes. Therefore, he became my fiance. Unfortunately, though, neither one of us had money for a ring. He is very hesitant about getting me a ring and proposing again. I really want us to both have rings, though. He told me when we first met that he thought it would be really sexy if a girl proposed to him. Therefore, I am planning on getting us both rings and doing exactly that. I really want to make it unique and special, though. Any advice on how to do this? Also, any advice about giving him my ring and getting him to give it back to me? Or do I just present both rings at the same time, and put them on both of us? Any tips and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I know he will say yes since we are already technically engaged, I just want to make sure that it is really special and done right. Thank you.Any Advice On How To Make A Proposal Special And Romantic?
On the place where you first met propose to him there..Any Advice On How To Make A Proposal Special And Romantic?
Cute ideas here:鈥?/a>
  • wrinkles
  • What are your favorite romantic songs? Metal guys and girls I need your advice too.?

    I'm picking some songs for me and my boyfriend to dance to on our wedding day, which is also going to be on our 5th dating anniversary.

    He's kind of a metal guy, and I don't want him to feel too cheesy with the songs I pick (so no enya or anything like that); but I don't want to dance to a metal song (so none of that either).

    We can mutually agree on stuff like Tool and any 90's rock really. I've also caught him listening to some of the music I like too, which is softer rock like Elliott Smith, Death Cab for Cutie, The Killers, etc..

    So far, I've got:

    ';I Will Follow You into the Dark'; by Death Cab for Cutie

    ';Samson'; by Regina Spektor

    ';First Day of My Life'; by Bright EyesWhat are your favorite romantic songs? Metal guys and girls I need your advice too.?
    ';Til the End of Time'; by DeVotchKa is lovely, but not a hokey, cheesy love song. You might know their music from Little Miss Sunshine. Or what about a metal song done classically? Apocalyptica plays metal on cellos (no singing), and it's gorgeous.What are your favorite romantic songs? Metal guys and girls I need your advice too.?

    so i've got a few

    you could do the cover of careless whisper that seether did.

    or you can try

    sweet child o'mine- guns and roses

    Beforre the dawn- judas priest

    with eyes wide shut- blessthefall (such a cute song)

    Sieze the day- avenged sevenfold

    this world can't tear us apart- trivium (i dont think you can slow dance to this though...)

    promise her the moon- mr. big

    pray- blessthefall (you could have it all choreographed and everything! lol)
    My new favorite for a wedding would be ';Set Down Your Glass'; by Snow Patrol...don't let the song title fool you, pay attention to the lyrics...鈥?/a>
    If he is a Metal guy, then perhaps he and you would like ';Nothing Else Matters,'; by MetallicA. Another couple of decent songs would be ';The Glory Of Love'; and that famous one by the band Chicago. I can't remember the name of it now, but I think it's called, ';If You Leave Me Now.';
    I like:

    The Little Things Give You Away by Linkin Park

    Shadow Of The Day by Linkin Park

    Lips Of An Angel by Hinder

    Your Arms Feel Like Home by 3 Doors Down

    The Time Of My Life by David Cook

    Never Gonna Be Alone by Nickelback

    I'd Come For You by Nickelback

    Not a Day Goes By by Lonestar

    Amazed by Lonestar

    Won't Let You Down by Keith Urban

    I hope that this helped.
    Def Leppard - Animal is cool.

    If you both like 90's rock, then what about Pearl Jam?

    Better Man, Yellow Ledbetter, Wishlist...they have loads of nice and meaningful slow songs.

    Hope you find one. :)
    light on

    and time of my life by david cook

    bullet for my valentine %26lt;any of the new songs%26gt;

    the good left undone by rise against

    niki fm by hawthorne heights
    Try 'All those nights' by Dear Juliet

    and congratulations :)
    You can try:

    ';Love Song'; by The Cure or 311

    *';Champagne Supernova'; by Oasis Covered by Matt Pond PA*- Goes well with occasion.

    ';Enter Sandman'; - Metallica

    ';Goodnight and Go'; by Imogen Heap

    *';Through Glass'; by Stone Sour* - Recommended but not for occasion

    ';57'; by Biffy Clyro

    ';For You'; by The Calling

    *';Fix You'; by Coldplay*

    ';Higher'; by Creed

    ';One Last Breathe'; by Creed

    ****';Stolen';(Album Original Slow Version) By Dashboard Confessional*****- Highly Reccomended

    ';Times Like These'; by The Foo Fighters

    ';In Love With a Girl'; - Gavin DeGraw

    **';Iris';- The Goo Goo Dolls**

    ';Dig'; by Incubus

    **';Summer Romance (Anti-Gravity Lovesong) by Incubus**

    ';Last Kiss'; by Pearl Jam

    ';Black %26amp; Gold'; - Sam Sparro - More of an Electronic Dance Sound.

    ';Our Song'; by Taylor Swift

    ';Fearless'; by Taylor Swift

    ';The Way I Loved You'; by Taylor Swift

    **';Crazier'; by Taylor Swift-Crazier is a great song to slow dance to.**

    For Metal,

    Through The Fire and Flames - DragonForce.(Joking)

    Good Luck For Ur Song Selection and Ur Wedding!

    A romantic comedy in which a guy ends up giving this girl or coworker dating advice...?

    it's not hitchA romantic comedy in which a guy ends up giving this girl or coworker dating advice...?
    Win a date with tad hamilton

    pretty in pinkA romantic comedy in which a guy ends up giving this girl or coworker dating advice...?
    He's Just Not That Into You. I love that movie!
    hes just not that in to you!i love it its halorious

    Okay guys thnx for all the advice but hes picky and ive already done all the romantic stuff what now!!!?

    change to some body else. Its very very difficult with such people specially if they keep changing their standards

    I am in love with my father in a romantic way. And i need help to make him fall for me, advice?

    I love my dad so much. I tihnk about the times i got to sit on his laps between the ages of 8-13 but now i want to do it agian because i can't find a male who will love me like him. and he also understands me more than anyone elss. how do i get him to fall for me in a romantic way? advice? I want him so bad!I am in love with my father in a romantic way. And i need help to make him fall for me, advice?
    first ur sister now this! it's obvious ur joking stop ur not funny k bye.I am in love with my father in a romantic way. And i need help to make him fall for me, advice?
    The person who asked this question is like mentally disturbed or something.

    Report Abuse

    I thought that only honkies do that sort of thing.
    You need professional help if you think this is funny, because it's just demented.

    i won't buy it!
    hopefully, you are joking,

    but if you are serious, you need to go for counseling.
    get yourself a donkey you'll forget all about him
    take me take not your father man o man this is a biggie you got to stop this NOW you can't do it no no he will disown you and fast and you know it will hurt him a lot
    you need to be sterlized
    way to make em bite
    ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww you nasty F**k.
    Hmm..this is a very interesting! It's a family affair. Are you a screenwriter and is this your new story. First your son, then your brother, your sister and now your father..hmm..i wonder who's next? Your mother maybe then your cousin...i suggest you should change a bit of your story to make more interesting coz it's all sound the same to me...and about your age just stick to 30 years old instead of 23...the rest of the story you figure out yourself.
    ok you are seriously wacked..... stop and think about this.... then go to a phychiatrist..... you need maybe just to grow up....Are you from the south? is your real name Ellie Mae? Get an education and move away from home.......
    Oh this is so sick.

    You need to talk to a shrink.
    You have issues dear. If you think this is funny it's really not, it's getting pretty old, you're not the only dork out there asking REALLY STUPID questions like this one.......get a life!
    you need some counseling
    God Bless You!!!!!
    even though it has to be a joke it's still sick that you could even say something like must have a lot of problems.
    ewww wtf hes ur DAD geez u must be pretty desperate no affence!!!
    you should have a 3sum YOU, HIM, and ur SISTER
    OK.. now that you have covered being in love or wanting to screw your mom, dad, brother , sister and your son... who's next ? Grandpa and Grandma ?
    You are an idiot madam. Grow up
    may god have mercy on your soul...
    I'm sorry...but you need counseling. Your father is not your lover. He is your father. He is your shoulder to lean on in times of trouble, not your lap to sit on in times of want....

    You seriously need to seek professional help because you are putting your fantasy toward the wrong person.

    Loving your father in this way is any culture...not just ours.
    What a kind of girl are you? Why your every question is like this,,,,,want to have sex with son ,,,sister,,,and know with your father. I think you are really gone be mad and I'm sure you are stupiddddddd.
    are you in love with your biological father? but how can that be? he is your father. i know that you say that you want him and love him but don't confuse paternal love with that of a lover. that is really bad. there are millions of guys that you can choose from but not your father think about it, he will only see you as his daughter so don't look into it
    trip him
    Ummm you have issues...
    You are not normal Missy, you need Professional help...this is not right
    Judging from your other questions, you all are just one big loving family.
    You are having fun with everyone on your questions. Most people don't think to look at someones other questions to see if its a pattern and you have a big pattern of posting questions like this. Let's see it was your brother and your son and now your dad. Now are you done getting everyone all pissed off? is the excitement almost over with your joking around? I say get a life.
    your sick go and kill yourself you dont deserve to live

    Advice on how to make his first kiss romantic?

    We've been dating for a long time and we've haven't kissed, mainly because it would be his first and I want to be special. My first kiss was horrible lol. anyways, how can I make it romantic? I want it to be memorable and I want him to fly :) But I'm also afraid I'll scare him.

    And frankly, my ex was a freak so I don't even know what a first kiss should be. Like a peck? Or just a small goodbye kiss but more than a peck? And when? I hate it when guys ask you if they can kiss you cuz that takes away the anticipation and I assume my bf feels the same way. So I can't just ask him.

    ideas?Advice on how to make his first kiss romantic?
    Well put some nice smelling lip balm and start humming a romantic tune when your kissing. your lips will vibrate giving all the romantic feeling.Advice on how to make his first kiss romantic?
    when you sit and talk with him alone and then look him in the eyes, look at his lips, lean in a little, and just kiss him.
    It should be spontaneous, unexpected. Don't worry about the rest. Planned kisses are the worst because they don't live up to the high expectation we put on it.
    well dont do anything 2 much...but more than a peck...make it passionate :D

    I want to do something romantic for my bf on his birthday. any advice?

    My boyfriend is flying across the country to see me for his birthday. I want to make that day unbelievably special for him, but I don't know what to get him. Sex is not an option, and I am so unbelievably low on cash its not even funny. I need some romantic, wonderful ideas that will make his special day all the more memorable.

    he's staying here in a hotel that week and he'll be 24 if that helps.

    I know he doesn't want clothes or anything pink or girly, and he gets embarrassed easily so idk. and he is allergic to a lot of colognes and stuff so i can't go that route. and a cd or mix tape isn't exactly what i'm looking for.I want to do something romantic for my bf on his birthday. any advice?
    Make him dinner or order in that hotel room he's staying at and watch movies all day. I'm sure he'll understand that you're low on money, but having not seen you for a while he shouldn't want more than just you and him alone together.I want to do something romantic for my bf on his birthday. any advice?
    Krawrys got a good idea that u may make your dear boyfriend dinner, but spending such lots of time on watching movies sounds boring honestly. u know it's been a great thing for him since he's flying all the way coming here to see u. BE HAPPY and maybe u'll figure out what u both wanna do even without being on purpose!!
    Ask one of his friend, it can be a good thing to do.
  • wrinkles
  • I need male advice!!! My husband has lost the ability to be romantic!?

    The sex is really good, but there just doesn't seem to be much romance, which is something I need desperately!!!! Please help me.I need male advice!!! My husband has lost the ability to be romantic!?
    As I man, let me let you in on a little truth that apllies to all men, but is mistaken by all wives....... We are not mind readers.....We are not signal readers.

    The fact of the matter is men call a spade a spade. If everything seems to be going OK in a relationship, then we assume everything is OK. My point here.... Tell your husband what you need. ';Honey, you may not understand why I need this, and that's OK, but I need you to be ROMANTIC.'; This shows him that you have a problem and a response is needed . Believe me when I tell you...What not to say is ';Honey, you've lost the ability to be romantic.'; That says he has a problem or need, and if he thought everything was going OK before you told him, he'll think the same afterwards.I need male advice!!! My husband has lost the ability to be romantic!?
    i can understand how u feel. my bf has never been romantic except during courtship. sometimes i just envy other ladies how romantic their bf are. i am not saying he's bad, just lack of romance which i need too. despite telling him how i felt, he said that he dont know how. well, u can try talk to him. no one is made perfect. perhaps this is what they mean by ';give and take';?

    gd luck!
    The hard thing is that you won't be able to talk him into it. He has to be awakened to your real value as his wife, and that's something you can't just tell someone. May I suggest praying and asking God to open his eyes? Because it has to come from the inside. I understand because I was totally blind to my wife's true worth and was dumb as dirt about it until my eyes were opened. Now she is utterly precious to me. And she will never have to tell me ever again to be romantic. Go for the insides. Everything else is just manipulation. I wish you the best.
    There are guys out there who are romantic after they ';get the girl';??????
    Have you talked to him about it?

    Have you tried to being more romantic?

    Try wearing sexier things, not lingerie but clothing that is sexier. Something that will make him want to take it off, but be a little resistant when he does act.
    walk around the house naked (unless you have kids), that'll get him to be more romantic
    A trip to the wig store and and a little acting on your part could work. Take on a new persona completely the opposite of what he is use to. The wig accents the change. Taunt him and make him work for the pudding. The chase is 65 % of the fun. The hunt my dear is what men crave. Quit delivering the goods like pizza.
    Unfortunately, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Just because your husband isn't as romantic as you would like doesn't mean that he doesn't love you. My advice would be for you to talk to someone who is close to him, preferrably someone in this immediate family. Sometimes you may have to be the one to take the initiative. Plan a romantic weekend getaway or vacation. Might I suggest the Sandals Resort in the Bahamas. Good luck.
    Give him a flower and will jog his memory and hopefully he will return the favor. As guys get older, the romantic part of the brain gets filled up with sports information or nascar or hunting or other stuff like that. There are several good books out there that talk about how to keep a relationship fresh. I have a garden center and an elderly couple was shopping the other day and holding hands. IT was so cute. They were still romantic after all those years. Don't be too judgemental though about it, guys are clueless at times. I am a 55 year old guy and have to remind myself to be romantic too or else I will start taking my wife for granted. Good luck...
    why do you need romantic just take the sex, what is so bad about that. be thank ful he is not cheating, or using drugs, just bone him. that's not so bad. bone him then get him a beer. that's all we want. sex beer and food, why is that so hsrd foe the ladies.
    tell him u want to go eat near the beach at night for dinner and end up going to the beach and just walk.... i never done or been there wit someone there, but i think it would get me in the romantic mood lol
    well why don't you tell him to be more romantic

    I need some help..some advice..Im soo a hopless romantic.?

    This, like all other depressing stories, involves someone else.There's a girl that I've known for about a year that I've got a major crush on. We worked together on a couple of plays. And every time we got together, I felt that there was something going on between the two of us. we make out with each other when we get a chance. To a lot of people that doesn't mean anything, but to me it does. I'm a hopeless romantic. And so I thought that maybe there was a possibility that the two of us could be together..Until this weekend:.Right now she's on a camping trip with her friend and I suspect that there may be some other guy there as well.I could just be being paranoid. But it's bugging me.I don't know what she's doing. And more importantly, I don't know what she thinks about me. And I'm scared shitless to just ask... just hate not knowing what's going on. It's the ';not knowing'; that's killing meRight now I have no idea, and it's driving me nuts.

    And that is why I'm depressed right now.I need some help..some advice..Im soo a hopless romantic.?
    You have the perfect opportunity in front of you, with having a ';date'; with her tomorrow.

    The best thing for you, even if she turns you down, is to ask. Be gentle, start off with how you feel and, above all, be honest. If you really like her, tell her just how much. Don't sound too needy; just be frank and up front as you know how to be. Ask an open-ended question about being with you and give her the opportunity to choose. If she feels some freedom, she might not be as quick to get nervous or shocked about it. Don't be ';just another option'; but make sure you're there if she wants to be there with you.

    There runs the risk of getting turned down but, if you don't do something when you have the chance, you'll always wonder what could have been. That might be worse than finding out a year or two later that she would have if only you'd have asked. Just take a deep breath and think about what you want to say. If you're that worried, write it down tonight and go through it a couple of times so you have a better idea of what you want to say. Don't obsess but be prepared, if that's how you work best.

    Just don't beat yourself up if she says no. You may want that girl, but she may not be right for you. Sounds like there's already chemistry between you two, so you have *that* going for you...

    Hell, if she likes the idea, be that hopeless romantic with her - a LOT of girls want that so much but are either too afraid to ask or don't believe it's true that there is such a creature.

    Good luck, man. Hope you get your girl. (And that you're right for each other, of course.)I need some help..some advice..Im soo a hopless romantic.?
    Talk to her.

    You already know how you feel, you know what you would ';like to say'; to know you know this.

    Use few and simple words that don't make YOU feel bad.

    It is so much easier than we sometimes make it...

    SIMPLE WORDS...MAKE YOURSELF COMFORTABLE...that's all there is to it.

    If you really do like her alot you will likely be nervous (some) no matter what--when you feel your nerves when you are with her next time, know that you are being honest, with yourself and with her. Being honest is a great way to start a relationship.

    Good luck.

    Im going on a trip with my love and need some advice on how to make it one of the most romantic trips ever?

    Dont over do it. Have dinner at the restaurants around, Keep the talk about the vacation, and NOT about the normalities of life. Really get away from it all... Have fun.Im going on a trip with my love and need some advice on how to make it one of the most romantic trips ever?
    wake him with a bjIm going on a trip with my love and need some advice on how to make it one of the most romantic trips ever?
    make sure there is lots of sex. guys like the girl to take charge and put the moves on us once in awhile..
    The key is to enjoy the trip. Take time to experience new things together. Pick at least one thing while on your trip that you have never done before and that would be a unique experience and spend the money and time to do it. For instance on our last vacation my wife and I went horseback riding in the sea where the horses actually had to swim and we had to hold on. Also, don't let the problems that are bound to occur get to you. Things never go perfect so just relax and roll with the changes. Romance is built by a couple that manages to enjoy the fact they are together experiencing life regardless of the good and bad they encounter.
    do some naughty things - sex on the beach, on the balcony, in the pool after midnight, bj in the mornings while massaging his prostate, let him have your butt.......when on vacation, sex sex and more sex is memorable

    Need advice on sexual intercourse. how can i make it romantic/intimate?!?!?

    thanks!Need advice on sexual intercourse. how can i make it romantic/intimate?!?!?
    Candles, soft music, scented/warming massage oils, teasing soft kisses on nape of neck and down back, soft touch, sweet soft sensual kisses, carresses, foreplay, take the time to show your partner that it will be her pleasure as well as yours, ask partner what she likes, if too shy just try new things in a non-threatening way, gentle, engaging, interactive contact 'teasing' with a feather to find sensitive spots, and if you have never tried 'body surfin', get the oils out, rub each other down, and start surfin, baby!!! Giving the massage with your mouth, and lips too is very sensual, wine, chocolate, whip cream, choc.covered mini cream puffs are all 'playful' foods that can be incorporated into the foreplay....Oh, and not to foget....Hersheys chocolate syrup!!! Buon apetito!Need advice on sexual intercourse. how can i make it romantic/intimate?!?!?
    there are plenty of ideas on the internet, if you know where to find them... :D
    Do it with LOVE
    lick her pussy until she reaches orgasm and beg for it to enter hers.

    Wedding advice...have it fun or go with romantic elegance?

    i know a wedding is meant to be what myself and my fiancie wants but he doesnt care to much for the finer details (typical man) so im organising it. Im torn between having a fun wedding thats diffrent and people will remeber or going for the romantic/ elegant wedding i always imagined yet altho i will remeber it forever others will see it as being just another wedding.

    my 'fun and diffrent' idea was to have a candy/theme park thing where the favours would be bags of sweets, have a chocolate fondue, popcorn machine, candy floss machine and the food would be mini burgers/pizzas that sort of thing.

    my romantic idea is to stick with a candy pink and white wedding..all very simple and elegant. salmon and finger sandwhiches for the buffet, pink feathers scattered across crisp white tables and bunches of helium ballons in the middle.

    what to do?

    fun or romantic?Wedding advice...have it fun or go with romantic elegance?
    I don't really think you have to just pick one. You can do both and have a reception that is a mix of both fun and elegant.

    Personally, if you go with all your ';fun and different'; ideas you run the risk of having your wedding feel more like an amusement park or take away from the actual ';wedding'; vibe. I think you should incorporate both ideas in order to have a wedding that not only bespeaks romantic and elegant, but also fun and whimisical.

    *If you are having separate cocktail hours and dinner, mix up the food. Add some bite size mini-burgers for the cocktail hour served in passed trays by the waiters. For the dinner, if it's sit down keep it something simpler and a little more elegant. If it's a buffet, you have the option of mixing up the foods and choosing different things.

    *Go ahead and have a chocolate fondue fountain if it's in your budget as part of the dessert portion of your ceremony--surround it with marshmallows and fruit and cookies. Next to it, think of maybe putting out a candy buffet. Provide small cellophane bags for the guests and a nice assortment of candies--m%26amp;m's in pink (if that's your color), skittles, etc...

    *Instead of a traditional dessert, try serving little cones of cotton candy to each guest instead. I've seen this done and it's great. It's enough for one person and can be done tastefully.

    *Mix up your linens. Use a crisp, white tablecloth and add a second one on top of it to accent it in something like a hot pink.

    *Keep your table setting simple and elegant, but go with something a little more fun and whimsical as your centerpiece.

    *At the end of your reception, go ahead and have them roll out a popcorn machine. Guests can take little bags of popcorn home with them to snack on.

    There are many things you can do to incorporate both themes into your wedding.Wedding advice...have it fun or go with romantic elegance?
    i would say go for the fun theme BUT!!

    As you are having it in the hilton which is a swanky hotel and with the pink dress you will make it into a barbie and sindy wedding!!

    if you are going to go for the whole fun thing maybe you should think about having it in a different location otherwise it is going to out of place!!

    the romantic theme sounds nice in the hotel you have chosen!!
    fun romantic is naff especially the way you explaIN it sorry hun candy pink isn't my idea of romantic
    go for the fun factor
    Do it fun and stress free, that way you guys have a good time and your guests have a fun time and its memorable.
    Romantic and elegant. I love your ideas for pink and white with salmon and feathers.

    The 'fun and different' idea sounds interesting, but in my honest opinion it seems more like an elaborate birthday party than a wedding.
    if your going to have it in an elegant place have an elegant wedding if you were going to have it in a ballroom or outside then there is no reason not to have it fun and romantic.........i think.
    I'd go for the fun one but i'm a bit mad anyway but i would love it!
    Brutally Honest's answer is right! The people who come probably won't remember it much anyway. This is your day! I would suggest going with an elegant wedding to match the location, but keep the reception fun. What really matters are your wedding vows to each other. Have a wonderful wedding and blissful marriage!
    why not have both
    With our wedding, my husband and I did it both ways. The wedding ceremony itself was very formal and classy and romantic, and then for the reception...we had a formal dinner, but the emphasis was on FUN all the way. Eight years later people *still* talk about our wedding. I even had *guests* who wanted copies of our reception video because it was such a fun party.
    Go with the the fun idea. I think it's a great idea and less boring with the traditional wedding that everybody already knows. Usually, traditional weddings are so predictable and nerve ragging that i don't know why people spend so much, to basically, spend the day crying and messing up expensive makeup etc...

    Have FUN!!!!
    the ceremony should be solemn and romantic and the reception can be the fun part..
    It sounds to me like you are talking more of the reception portion than the wedding ceremony portion of the event. If you want both aspects then make the ceremony the romantic part...dress elegantly, write your own vows, etc, etc, etc, and make your reception the place for fun.

    To tell you the honest truth, you could hold your reception AT a theme park and most people STILL won't remember the finer details of the day. Just do what would make YOU happy, and don't worry about what others think, because frankly they're there FOR YOU, to help you celebrate your day, and the party is just that ... a party.
    I'd go with the fun. It'll be a day to remember for you and you guests.
    you should incorporate both! congrats on the wedding =)
    Do a little of both. I am in the same situation. We are having it a formal dinner but some fun stuff involved. We are having a candy buffet and a root beer float toast instead of champagne! So just think outisde the box and see if you can accomodate both ideas.
    romantic and elegant for the ceremony and then at the reception... it is time to party and have fun!!
    Have a romantic elegant wedding and then at the reception... it is time to party and have fun!! My brother got married and it was beautiful and traditional and then when the reception came it was wild and fun. ... the dj used all kinds of different props for people to use when dancing and it was wild! I remembered that wedding!!
    the fun idea sounds good.... hire a photo booth so you can get really fun shots of all your guests!
    I am always a fan of Elegant as a go-to unless you have a great idea to be different. I like you Candy-theme idea. it sounds like fun for you and your guests.

    Modern Wedding Advice
    I was in the same delima about 2 years ago, but i went for a super elegant wedding and the reception was fun fun fun, and the following week another friend was married and her wedding and reception were stuffy and stiff and you were afraid to move alomst, the same group of friends were at both weddings and they to this day talk of how fun my was and how stuffy my friends was. so i got the elegant part and the fun part, just do what makes you happy,
    Romantic. Save the theme park for a birthday party. Weddings should be special not another day at an amusement park. Not to mention people probably won't forget it, but that might not be in a good way, a carnival theme might not sit right especially if you have conseritave family and it might become a joke. You can have a fun reception but still have it formal. I've always had a blast at receptions, make sure there is good music and some booze and people will have a good time. Plus you don't want to look back at your wedding photos and have it look like a 8 year olds birthday party.

    For Guys only! How do you know if a guy is romantic and sweet and will treat me right ? Some advice please?

    Ok, I am still single and trying find nice romantic guy who will treat me right, but I try online and yahoo personal no luck and sometimes bars when guys stare at me. HOw do I say to this guy if he wants to talk to me. What should I do? Some advice please or some good reason why this guy likes me. I am very attractive girl, nice, friendly, not fat and thin shape. Help me help me help me?For Guys only! How do you know if a guy is romantic and sweet and will treat me right ? Some advice please?
    Only the guy knows have to find out..but your looking in the wrong places,on line and in bars won't get it.Most of the guys go there are undecided also,or very very decided on what they do want,at least for the evening.Give it don't have to be ';attached';.Where does it say that everybody has to have just one somebody?For Guys only! How do you know if a guy is romantic and sweet and will treat me right ? Some advice please?
    There is no way to tell you that. Anyone can lie and mask what or who they are. So, the guy may seem nice at first then boom switch on you and become the devil. There are no tell-tell signs. Sorry.
    want to have a sincere answer?


    in our male genes there's only one thing we want and we would be ready to do anything to get it, even if it means being romantic and sweet, although these are behaviors that were never meant for a man that used to hunt, protect the tribe and provide for his family...

    so the only reason why a man might be romantic and sweet nowadays is the game men and women play...women want the romantic and sweet hugh grant sort of guy, and we know that you want it, so we play this role and pretend to be romantic and sweet. in the bottom line's all about sex...
    it depends on mood
    ask him how much he loves you.. on very next moment when he cummss in you while making love to you in bed... you will comes to know
  • wrinkles
  • I'm in an odd romantic/friend situation kinda long. Comments and advice are appreciated.?

    Sorry it's so long. What do you think?

    My friend is an art education major and she asked me to pose nude for a shoot. I said sure and we set up a date for it. But for some reason she's starting to act odd around me all of a sudden.

    I mean she acts mildly awkward around me normally but now she's doing it a lot more often. ( I mean she'll do things like grab my butt or motion me through things like acting out a proposal to her, or trying to get me to grab her breasts, or try to stick her toes in my mouth 'she's a foot fetish'... but normally she just acts flustered)

    Later on, when she was in my room (around bed time) and I decided to be a tease (Like what she does to me all the time). I decided to put my head on her lap and then rub her leg romantically, and poke my feet at her head. Soon she confronted me and asked if I was doing this because she said that she liked me.

    Amanda: ';Are you doing that because I said I liked you?';

    Me: ';Heh, I'm just being playful.';

    So I decided to hold her for a while before I sent her on her merry way. Which she said she enjoyed.

    Is it possible that I upset her? (She has a boyfriend so I didn't kiss her or anything)

    If anything isn't clear, just ask and I'll try to help you out. :)I'm in an odd romantic/friend situation kinda long. Comments and advice are appreciated.?
    ha, well i can tell she likes you that's for sure, but maybe she is just uncomfortable with the fact that she does like you and she has a boyfriend. Even rubbing on her leg may not seem like a big deal, but if she is really into you it could be something big to her. She could just be feeling guilty for being romantic around you. But that foot fetish things a little odd lol :) good luck!I'm in an odd romantic/friend situation kinda long. Comments and advice are appreciated.?
    sounds to me like she likes you but i'm not an expert. I'm kind of a tomboy and don't do all that stupid flirting stuff that doesn't go anywhere. as far as i can tell, she likes you and is flustered because she has a boyfriend and doesn't want to be disloyal to him. I don't think you upset her, I think she wasn't prepared for you to flirt back :P
    This is a very strange situation. I think she does like you, but because she has a boyfriend she doesn't want to start anything that she can't finish.

    I say keep her at arm's length. If she doesn't want a relationship then you shouldn't play with her or let her play with you in that way.

    I think she has liked you for a very long time and is unsure about how you feel. You didn't upset her, but maybe disappointed her a bit. She wants to be close and intimate with you, but she isn't sure how to approach it.
    just avoid touching each other please, that's where the confusion comes from...
    Wow...I read something like this in a book and my ';twin'; is having a similar situation...with his gf. I would suggest you go easy on those kind of jokes considering she has a boyfriend and let her figure what she's going to do. Does she want you more or him more? let her figure it but you should try to stay ';out of the way'; (of course not completely) to avoid ';him';.

    Btw I know exactly how you feel about posting a question and getting no result.
    um....this is kinda confusing but from what i understood i think u said she has a bf and she likes that correct?

    idk if u upsetted her but i think she likes u and is thinking about cheating on her bf with you. it does seem like she likes you though so just work everything out like tell her whats going on and how u feel and tell her that like u wanna be her bf but u dont want her to cheat either.

    just talk with her and work stuff out.

    i hope that helped......i tried my best to help but it was kinda confusing for me. :D
    I was screaming YES SHE LIKES YOU ASK HER OUT till i read that she has a boyfriend. hmmm...that is odd behavior. you should just come out and ask her what is going on. Be like i'm just a little confused... iF you like her then you can proceed to tell her that you like her and that if she likes you then nothing should stand in the way except she needs to figure out whether she wants her bf or you because you cant do that to the othe guy. its not cool. but i dunno that is a tuff situation, im actually not that surprised that you didnt find your answer. It is a tuff situation.

    OK boys! I need your advice on a subject of a romantic nature! :)?

    Ok! So I need you to help me decide if I've got a chance with this boy or we are destined to just be friends forever! So we've known each other for years, but only became friends this fall and we talk a lot in school and text like all day everyday! So he had this girlfriend he was always talking about but I never met her. And after that was over another one. And then there was this girl he liked. I was his confidant for all of them and I did a dang good job at it considering my heart was breaking! lol. But he tells me EVERYTHING! Stuff he won't talk about with anyone else. Like when his uncle died he wouln't tell anyone but finally me, and when his latest girlfriend dumped him, and when he won mvp for bball i was the first to know. And he tells me you are the first one I've told. He's a flirt so when he flirts with me I don't take him serious. So is there a chance he has ANY feelings for me, or I am just doomed to be his bff for the rest of my life? thanks a ton! :)OK boys! I need your advice on a subject of a romantic nature! :)?
    I dunno, it sounds like he just sees you like one of the guys. He has had several opportunities to pursue you and yet he has chosen other girls instead. I would try and put your attention on another boy to find out for sure. You know how guys get jealous.

    Aquaintance in running class rejected my romantic advance. She's still hanging around. Any advice folks?

    Just go about your business as if you'd never asked her. Rejection happens and it doesn't necessarily mean the other person despises you, but doesn't choose to date for (for whatever reason(s)).

    If she's still hanging around, then be civil to her at least...especially if she's not being unkind to you.Aquaintance in running class rejected my romantic advance. She's still hanging around. Any advice folks?
    Its okay to flirt but dont cross the line with it. Your aquaintance rejecting your advance could have been her way of letting you know hey you have to try harder then that because i dont come that easy or it could have meant that she just wants a friendship. I say stay true to yourself and always be nice. I would move on because all girls are the same. Shell see you talking or flirting with a girl shes intimidated by and shell then see you in a new light. Good Luck baby!!!!!!!!!Aquaintance in running class rejected my romantic advance. She's still hanging around. Any advice folks?
    She would have to still be hanging around if she is in your running class. If she has rejected your advances, then you should leave her alone in that way and move on to someone else. Cool to be friends as you are in a class together...just know she is not interested you in a romantic way and move on.

    be cool...
    You are in a class together. Of course she has to hang around. She rejected your advances, take that as gold. Look for someone else.
    Let it alone. She has said no. Move on.
    Because she doesn't want to contemplate sleeping with you, doesn't mean she doesn't like you on a different level.
    If she doesn't want it then leave her alone.
    My advice would be for you to move on. You made an advance, she rejected it. So let it go.
    give it up, she isnt interested. if she was she wouldnt have rejected your advance.
    She's a nice girl and wants to be your friend. I know that's not what you want, but by being her friend, maybe someday her heart will soften and you'll win her over.
    she may only like you for a friend,so don't feel so out of luck it may change later just stay in the reigns that she likes...

    Hey guys, I need advice on wat to do to make my bf be more romantic with me.?

    Ok, so he is really sweet and great and everything, I flirt with him, but its like he doesnt notice. I do my hair, makeup, I dress to his liking, but he doesnt say anything. How can I make him be more romantic or flirtacious??!!Hey guys, I need advice on wat to do to make my bf be more romantic with me.?
    don't. He's not worthy of you if he didn't pay attention from the start! dress to YOUR liking. The One will notice you and be the 1st to make a move . THE WAY IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE!!!!!Hey guys, I need advice on wat to do to make my bf be more romantic with me.?
    some guys just aren't that way and you'll be waisting your time if you think you're going to change him. i'd suggest you talk to him openly about what you're feeling without trying to manipulate him. those things never work out in the end and you'll just feel worse off later down the road. learn to talk things out,

    I've a guy BFF. Usually its normal, then sometimes I get romantic feelings for him. Its so confusing! Advice?

    He hasn't shown any interest in me other than as a friend, so I'd be nervous about talking to him. I have known him from 12 years and we are very close, so I'm afraid make things weird. I just don't know what to do with these feelings.I've a guy BFF. Usually its normal, then sometimes I get romantic feelings for him. Its so confusing! Advice?
    That's a hard one.

    On one hand some of the best relationships start out as friends and on the other hand some relationships finish best friends. Here's what I would do. I guess I would tell him in a way that suggests that I was not entertaining the idea at all. Like maybe tell him you had a sexual dream about him. Just to see how he reacts. I know that its the chicken's way out, but if you've been friends with him for 12 years, that would be a friendship I would not want to lose.I've a guy BFF. Usually its normal, then sometimes I get romantic feelings for him. Its so confusing! Advice?
    Don't make a move unless you know he feels the same but tell him how you feel even if nothing happens he will be happy that you confided in him. Also it will be good to get it off your chest. If you are happy with your friendship then don't do anything with your friend because if things go wrong you may lose him all together. Good luck. :) x
    If you really trust these feeling and think they're strong then I say go for it, but dont be too hasty, it might be one of those things where you like him now, then later you wont feel as strongly for him...
    open your mouth and you'll blow that 12 year friendship. keep it shut and you could never know their true feelings. that's a hard one. follow your HEART not your mind. your mind will deceive you, your heart never will.
    u should ask his frendz 2 tell u if he tlkz bouts u nd if he does dat meanz he lykez u bk
    No matter how close you guys maybe if you have a friendship with a member of the opposite sex the odds are very heavily stacked that there will eventually be sexual tension. Its just the way things are. People have sex drives, you two are very familiar with each other and a member of the opposite sex. It only makes sense it would happen. Opposite sex friendships can work out but its not likely.

    You need to ask him if he feels the same way and be out with it. Explain it to him, see if he feels the same for you. If he doesn't and you really believe that you can handle just being friends then assure him that you can deal with this. You should make sure that you have intentions on dating him seriously however. If you just date him as a non-serious relationship that will hurt your friendship. If you guys are serious about it and it doesn't work out theres still a good chance you can be friends afterward.
    its normal. i mean u know him and u like him. i mean i kinda asked my guy bff out and we went out for 5 1/2 months but on the other hand, my cuz asked her bff guy out and it got ACWORD! but what ev. best of luck!

    Does anyone have any advice on how I can go about having a romantic evening with my wifes best friend

    staying in our house?

    My wife told her she could stay w/ us during her divorce, but she is really killing my love life by always being around and whining about how her husband left her because she's fat.

    Please help!Does anyone have any advice on how I can go about having a romantic evening with my wifes best friend
    MAKE PLANS TO GET AWAY AND LEAVE HER TO HOUSE SITDoes anyone have any advice on how I can go about having a romantic evening with my wifes best friend
    Take a long drive and have some alone time with your wife. I am sure she would enjoy it as well. Good luck.
    Have you told your wife how you feel? Your marraige comes before her friend, she needs to be told to leave. Offer to help her find a hotel or apartment to rent. Or you guys will be the next divorce on the list.
    Oh boy that sucks! You are in a tough place here....its nice of your wife to let her stay but you still have to have your life back. How much longer is she going to have to be there? You cant really say too much without upsetting your wife since she is her best friend. The idea of going out is a good one but it sucks that you HAVE to do that so you can spend sometime with your wife. What if you ';Suggested'; to your wife's friend that she goes out to a movie or something that she likes to do to ';Relax and unwind'; Your treat. Make it sound like you want to do something to help her out. You should really talk to your wife about this as well tell her ';you know Hon I think its great that you are helping her out like this but we need some time for us too';

    Best of luck...and hey if all else fails...get a room LOL
    go out for a romantic evening movies and nice dinner.. if you have a friend that is lonely have him take your wifes friend out.. that is always an option.
    talk to your wife, she has to have other friends get your wife (tell her why) to get one of them to to take her out and maybe have her sleep over...your best bet unless you can afford to get away for a weekend or something...
    Give her some money %26amp; tell her to go see a movie.

    Have you talked to your wife about this? How does she feel?

    Your wife needs to tell her that although she is welcome to stay there for a while, it is important that the 2 of you have some time alone together.
    Take your wife to a motel. Change of scenary is always nice as well as some privacy. Maybe when she sees what she is missing out on at home because of this friend being there too much she may have to make arrangements with her friend to stay somewhere else on the weekends or something.
    Shoot your wife and marry her friend
    If you are nice about it, and don't do it too often, ask her NICELY if she would mind going out for an evening, or if she could hang out in her room while you bring your 'company' over. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask this, but long as it's not all the time, because this probably can't be much fun for this woman. You have to be considerate of her too.

    Can't you go to the other woman's house? I'm talking about your 'new' woman. Go to a lounge and hang out there. Or go to a cafe, or some place you can go and hang out. If you are going to go have sex, then go home and go to your room. The guest woman won't be in there will she?!

    You'll have to compromise something, but you can't just boot the guest woman, since she's staying there she has to feel as tho she has some place stable to live too.

    Hope you can work it out for everyone. Good luck to you.
    Why don't you all go out to a nice restaraunt or something?
    Get her counseling and explain that she is in your household and if she is really that fat......then do something about that. She is having self esteem issues. But it is your house, she should tip toe around you and your wife, not the other way around. You can only mope around for so long before you are considered pathetic.
    To be honest, I opened this post to tell you you were a jerk because I thought you were asking for advice on how to cheat on your wife. I have to apologize for judging you falsely. (I guess the whole ';Don't judge a book by its cover'; thing is an adage for a reason!)

    Now, to my advice--How about taking your wife away for a night? You don't have to go far or spend a lot of money. Go to a local hotel (check out some travel websites to get some great last minute deals--like or, order in food to your hotel room, bring a nice bottle of wine or champagne with you, pack her some sexy lingerie, don't tell her that you're going and surprise her.

    If you have kids, pick a weekend night where you can have someone watch your kids for the evening. If you don't have kids, do it on a weeknight when your wife is totally not expecting it.

    As for the libido-killing friend, how long is she staying? If she's overstaying her welcome and staying with you for a long time, maybe you could ask her if you could have a night alone with your wife. This may not go over well since she's clearly bitter about relationships right now, but she is your guest and should respect your space. If she doesn't do that, get her a night at a spa or something (expensive, but maybe worth it!).

    Good luck!
    I have to agree with most of the above Posters. Take the wife out somewhere. Find a good romantic French restaurant and then take her to a fine hotel. You and her need some 'away' time.

    I know that you both are trying to be supportive, but friendship can only be stretched so far.
    My husband and I opened our home to a family member in a pinch, and it took months befroe they were back on their feet. It did a number on our romance as well. Go out for an early dinner, stop at a local hotel, make love for hours, go back home with big smiles on your faces! It works and gets you through til the next time. Also, we helped our guest to have things to do that got them out of the house. We would take advantage of that time as well. If she has a friend she can go out with for the evening, you can have a few hours alone. By the way, our guest mentioned after the fact that they knew we had needs, and that they would have been ok with us saying, do you mind going to a movie, I'd like to cook a romantic dinner tonight.... good luck, and great job trying to keep your romance alive!
    Take your wife out for a romantic evening and leave the whining friend to housesit. Before you know it, she'll have your wife mopeing around, and you don't want that. Have you wife get all dressed up, take her out, get a HOTEL room if you have to, and dance the night away with the one you love. Oh, call the friend's divorce lawyer and see when the procedure will be final!
    Set your wifes best friend up with someone and get them tickets to an event they both might like.. OR... Take those tickets and use them for your wife and you!

    The easiest way would be to leave the house for a few hours... Set up dinner... Maybe get a hotel... and..... take it from there! ;)

    You might also want to set up a timeline for when this woman will be moving out. It might be good for her to get out on her own instead of mooching off of friends. She's gonna have to do it by herself sooner or later!
  • wrinkles
  • This one is for the ladies, I'm looking for a little advice or input for this romantic evening?

    I have been with this girl for over 2 years and everything has been great, we always have fun and enjoy being around eachother. Now in her second year of college she just wants to experience college and not be tied down. As hard as it was I said ok, we still talk alot and keep in touch becuase she wants to be with me just not at the time. Well she is coming home for thanksgiving and wanted to see me. I don't want to over do anything and make it weird for her. We have always been very romantic but I wanted a special night. I have a family member that owns a restaurant and its closed on friday after thanksgiving he is letting me use the place to set up a romantic dinner for just us. candles wine the whole bit! but after depending on how it went I just want to lay with her and watch movies and eat our favorite ice cream and just have a good time. Like i said, I dont want to over do it but I wanted to get your opinion. thanks for all your helpThis one is for the ladies, I'm looking for a little advice or input for this romantic evening?
    i think that's adorable : ) the whole dinner thing with the restaurant is kind of overwhelming but i think she'll appreciate it. but the whole movie %26amp; ice cream thing mellows everything out so i think what you doing is fine: ) i hope you have a good time!

    Im looking for a cozy, romantic place to host our wedding in ct, any advice ??

    There are so many places, where abouts in CT?

    Anyone been to Fiji before? Any advice for a first-timer? Looking for a romantic place. Thanks!!! :-)?

    Here are two romantic places to stay and visit in Fiji:

    1. Nadi is 3 hours drive away towards the west of the island. Coral Sun run air-conditioned buses twice a day between Suva and Nadi (7.30am and 4pm) also stopping by request at the resorts along the way. Buses depart outside the Holiday Inn in Suva and from the airport in Nadi. Costs $20 one way. Ph. (679) 672 3105

    2. Pacific Harbour is a 45 minute drive from Suva (towards Nadi).This is the adventure capital of Fiji offering Scuba diving, snorkeling, cultural tours etc. There are shops, cafes, a man made beach called the Tiki pools and a big cultural centre. There is a range of accommodation here including private villas, backpackers and apartments.Anyone been to Fiji before? Any advice for a first-timer? Looking for a romantic place. Thanks!!! :-)?
    live in fiji. try the denarau resort and many others like shangri-la fijian hotel in sigatoka.

    Romantic Getaway Crash and Burn Quick, Need Advice?

    Been searching for Mr Right Forever, Land a romantic getaway weekend with a man that seems to be everything Ive been looking for, The weekend is wonderful, relaxing, romantic, everything Ive always dreamed. On the drive home, he is on a phone call with his sons mom and tells her he loves her too before hanging up the telephone, CRASH, what do I do? where do I stand? wow........Romantic Getaway Crash and Burn Quick, Need Advice?
    You are the new girl in his life- you have to build a relationship with him. However he %26amp; his sons' mom have history with each other (including sex)...Don't get bummed out just yet %26amp; think it's over with...But you need to be careful %26amp; not fall too hard for this guy untill you find out where the'; other women'; fits in -in his heart. She will always mean somethig to him (mother of his child you know)... but still he could love you more in the romantic way. You've just got to do the best you can %26amp; see what happens... Good luck to you!Romantic Getaway Crash and Burn Quick, Need Advice?
    It could have been a slip up on his part.... maybe she's super insecure... or maybe he was telling her so she'd tell the son. Whatever the case, have an honest discussion with him. Let him know that it hurt your feelings and made you feel like he wasn't really interested in you.

    chances are it was a slip up, if not he's not ';Mr. Right'; for you hon.
    first make sure that you heard right? that he loves her too or he has love for her. There are two seperate things. and wait if he has kids is he seperated or divorced or what? you should have known on the wifey status in the beginging before anything ever happened. But if in fact he does love her then there isn't really anything that you can do. he has kids with this female and if he's playing her for you then what makes you think he wont do the same thing to you? this guy sounds like scum and if i were you i'd get real clear with him real quick cause you don't want to be second to someone that is first in line to you.
    i must say ur just in fantasy land keep on deamin honey!
    Don't read too much into it, could be just a habitual expression. I told my secretary 'love you too' when hanging up the phone, with my wife in the car. See what happens next, and that will give you a better indication of where your relationship is going.
    You need to get out of this now. It is obvious that there is something still going on between him and his sons mother. get out before you really get hurt.This other woman is going to be a part of his life forever, so unless you want to always have questions in your mind, get out. you will find the right guy. eventually. just stop trying so hard.
    The only way to know for sure is to ask him where you stand and where this is going. Be prepared to hear something you might not want to hear though. He could still love his wife but not in that romantic just don't or won't know until you ask him about it. Did she know he went away with you? If so, I'm betting they're just still close and care about one another but not in love with one another. Plus, he took YOU on a trip. You have nothing to lose by asking him, and if you do hear what you don't want to hear, at least you found out sooner before later and at least you got to go on a wonderful trip and have a nice time with someone fun. Good luck!
    STOP RIGHT THERE!!!!!! Put an end to your worries fast.... Some people use this word more freely than others. Don't you think that if he really really loved her that he would be with her. So, just go ask him if he's in love with her. You'll feel better just knowing and not worrying about it.

    Honest advice plz how can i get my husband to be romantic or shows he cares?

    what do i have to do wat can i say how can i act plz be honest and help me out i love him so muchHonest advice plz how can i get my husband to be romantic or shows he cares?
    Make the first move. Be affectionate, kind, supportive, respect him, and make your love for him heard! I can guarantee he will return the favor! He may not be romantic because you are not showing him the above mentioned things....Try what I said and see what happens, I'm curious. It's never failed yet! Good luck!Honest advice plz how can i get my husband to be romantic or shows he cares?
    Well, there is no ';magic potion'; for husbands that you can give him...I wish there was, that would make our jobs as wives easier. But the truth is, marriage is not just a walk in the is more like climbing a takes lots of work. And there are two really important things in a marriage: Love %26amp; Respect. Now men and women need both love and respect, but men have a bigger need for respect, and women have a bigger need for love. So a big thing in helping you get your husband to be loving towards you is to show him respect. I know it can be really hard to show respect sometimes, especially when our husbands are being unloving, but it such an important thing for a wife to do...even when our husbands don't deserve it!! And eventually, when they start feeling like we respect them and honor them for who they are, they start to act more loving towards us. I can tell you from personal experience that nagging, and being crabby, and doing whatever else toward your husband to get him to do something is NOT the way to motivate him to do what you want him to do. I've tried it countless times, only to wind up causing him to be even more distant and less likely to change. But if instead we treat our husbands with respect, telling them how much we appreciate them, and such, things will be much different. I know one thing my husband really likes is when I brag about him in front of other people, and tell them about something great he has done...that really makes his day, and he acts a lot more loving towards me. I still have a lot to learn in the whole marriage department, but each day brings new opportunities to learn more.

    I would highly recommend reading the book Love %26amp; Respect by Emerson Eggerichs. I have never actually read the book, but we went to their marriage conference based on the book...and it was soooo good!!!

    I hope this has helped some...marriage takes a lot of work, but it is such a wonderful gift!! Blessings to you!
    blah blah blah.. i see this question about a billion times a day .. i hate to break it to you if you have to coax him into it ..its not going to happen.. What do you think happens to guys all over the world every day.. they married and make love like rabbits and the woman then acts the rest of the time like she never knew they were lovers ..i suspect he bought the cow so doesnt have to buy the milk anymore as the old saying goes.. it happens and also happens to guys to guess we arent the only unlucky people .
    seduce him
    most likely you have been married for awhile...the problem would then be comfortability issues, he has to much...spice it up for him try something you have never done before..he will notice and respond
    Don't delay, talk to him, tell him your feelings %26amp; tell him that his job in life is to look after the girl he married.

    You appear to be in a rut %26amp; you must get out of it.

    Never let little problems fester because they could grow into big problems. You have let this one go, tackle things at the time immediately as your sadness will show.

    Change routines, go out for the day %26amp; do something different, we all get a bit complacent with each other.

    I am sure you can both work it out.

    If you have kids it is most important that you do sort it because breakups ruin many lives %26amp; we dont want that to happen.

    Best wishes to you both, good luck, I wish you well %26amp; I am sure you both will work it out.
    This is all from experience.You shouldn't have to tell someone';hey i need attention or hey can you do something nice for me'; I know you love him and love is very painful. You have to realize no one can give you what they don't need.If he doesn't have the same needs he will NEVER give you what you need.Let me guess in the beginning it was wonderful then things changed.Men love to lie and do what ever they can to get you then show the real them once they got you.That was not fair.As much as it hurts it's time for you to say goodbye! You will just sit there thinking you can change him holding on to hope saying to yourself today.Today will never come.You can try to get him a book about romance but I don't think it will work and if it does it will only work for up to two weeks.You Love him so it is hard to imagine your life without him.Instead of imaging life without him imagine life with someone who has the same wants and needs as you do.That's the right man for you.Don't settle you deserve to be happy! Know your worth! If you stay in this relationship all it will lead to is pain and heartache. Whatever you do leave him before you find the man that has the same needs and wants as you do.Don't make my mistake and find the man that gives you everything you need while your married! I use to beg for romance.I would tell him things to do and he still wouldn't do it.It's not worth it.I thought he would change.I guess I should have figured it out after sixteen years.

    Good Luck!
    drop your panties too him lol
    Dress him like a lady--we are much more romantic;)
    Now just hold on a minute.

    Aren't you the lady who asked the SAME question in relation to your boyfriend less than 20 minutes ago?

    You must have got married very quickly...(?)
    are you romantic yourself? try surprising him when he comes home one day n____ with a string of clothes leading to you.

    if nothing else it will get his att!!!
    talk to him, tell him how you feel, be yourself, ur the 1 that put that ring on his finger but he took the vows too, all the best
    Then talk to him honestly, truthfully and straight forward. For example: ';honey, I have something I need to talk to you about.'; '; I would love it if you could show me more, how much you love me.'; '; I feel a little lonely sometimes, like I'm not the most important thing to you.'; Or you could be sneaky about little romantic things for him. You could leave him little notes where he'll find them....just notes that say, '; I love you.'; or ';You are so special to me.'; leave them in his shirt pocket, wallet, car console....just where he'll find them......maybe if he sees you being sweet and romantic....maybe some will rub off :)
    Be open and honest with your self about the changes you would like to see in your relationship, write a list and see where you are willing to make a change also. Surprise him by making the first step in showing love, and affection. Plan a night where you can be alone with candles and music and nice lingerie.
    Honestly, you can ';MAKE'; a guy do anything. Maybe just be honest. Tell him how your feeling. Meet him halfway by setting the mood with a nice surprise dinner and let him lead the way.
    right first of all im sure your husband knows how much you love him and he clearly loves you back.

    marrigaes get to a certain point and every thing is too familiar. you need to spice it up a little. try doing somehting that he likes to do ! book up somewhere in this country for the weekend, do things that you have both never done before, you need to put the light back into you love life and your sex life. sex is a big part of a re;lationship and if you dont comunicate very well you start to forget what the other one likes. sometimes you start to think that they dont find you attractive anymore etc etc. try taking him to a hotel in the coutry, book a suite. buy lots of sexy outfits, toys and treat yourself, get your hair done, even go on the sunbed. totally treat yourself untill you feel good inside. and im sure that by the time you have had all of this, tried to toys, and the outfits your marrige will be fine and your sex life will be oozing with fun !!!

    i really do wish you all the best and feel free to ask for advice any time email address

    best wishes

    Divorce him an get a new one...
    Talk to him and tell him that you would like for him to be more loving and show you he loves you.
    My husband was like that and I tried everything I could think of but the more I tried the more he push me away.Come to find out he was having an affair with a co-worker.You cannot make your husband love you or show you love if it isn't there.The longer your married the harder it gets to keep the fire burning,when it goes out for the husband usually it lack of affection and respect.All you can do is be their for him and keep showing your love he will come around.This is really a hard question to answer because every marriage is different. GOOD LUCK!
    Hi you need to explain to him how you feel as men are like children they need a kick up the bum now and then. Go out for dinner and talk to him as there he cant walk away or not talk back which is great. Maybe you need to spice up your bedroom activity or go out more together as a couple and just do little things for him and he will/should start doing it for you.

    Good luck
    some people are not romantic it does not mean he does not love you he just does not know how to show it i think you just need to give him some pointers of what romantic is
    Communication is the key I think - chat with him about how you feel but there is no telling if he will take you seriously or put himself out to please you.

    Truth is some men just don't have it in them, sorry to be so direct but sometimes it just has to be said.

    You could suggest going out for a candlelit dinner in a romantic restaurant with musician's that seranade couples.

    Good Luck
    Tell him that you'd like to indulge in a spot of role playing behind closed doors. If he happily goes along with any suggestion you make, it's love alright.
    Its amazing how many women try to make their partners someone they're not. However you'll know if he cares if you can have an open conversation about your feelings.

    Please help with advice! He used to be romantic and is not anymore,,,What to do????

    We ve been together for 3 months. first 4 weeks he was pretty romantic. We went on the beach, once he bought me a rose, brought me juice, wanted to go somewhere, wanted to see me every day! Now, he wants to sit at home. No romance at all! We r in mid 20. I've never received a single present from him( just pepper spray for protection, very romantic lol). It makes me feel like he doesnt like me( he never said he loves me, does he love me???). I tried to talk to him about it. he seems to understand, but nothing happens. he has money and time to make me small presents or to buy flowers once in a while... On the other hand, he helps me when I need his help. he is always there if I need him. he is cute and not a bad guy BUT im not sure I want to be with him cuz I dont feel loved...Please tell me what u think about it:) Thanx a lot!

    P.S. I tried to show him what I want by giving him small presents and by arranging something romantic:( did help eitherPlease help with advice! He used to be romantic and is not anymore,,,What to do????

    a guys psyche always looks for the non available. if u r freely available and no threat of loosing u then he will not be much interested in u.whenever you give up your self to a guy it should always be partly not in full. u should always keep somethings for him to guess than expressing completely. u should always be like a half solved puzzle to keep up his interests. also plan for more variations in life than the same romantic things fr him to be interested.


    avalanchPlease help with advice! He used to be romantic and is not anymore,,,What to do????
    You made the common mistake of giving him what he wanted without any expectations. He wanted a mommy to take care of him, and a handy lay without having to chase it. He does not love you and never will, because he has no respect for you. You were too easy!

    Chase him off, and next time you meet a guy, don't be so quick to become his concubine; see if love doesn't develop, naturally.

    Guys know, instinctively, that if they can just get a girl in bed, she will swoon, and they will not have to work at it so hard the next time. Don't let that happen until you want it to.
    well to me it seems like he just wanted you to think he waz romantic so you would get with him and not want to leave him.i think you should tell him that you miss it when he waz all romantic and if he doesn't listen then get you shoes and get walking
    some guys are like that. they're just not romantic or not that into intimacy. if you can live with it, fine. if not, don't expect to change him into something he's not.

    he may do it for a while, just as he did when he was trying to ';win'; you - but once you're won..they relax and feel their job is done.

    i guess the choice is yours now.
  • wrinkles
  • Many men who have much experience with women advice that never trust women in romantic relation. Is it right?

    do you know why you don't hear much out of couples who are happy? Because they are off being happy together...there are millions of people out there in romantic relationships that work...they love, trust %26amp; are committed to each other.

    These men you speak of, have had bad experiences, and for some of them, it is their own fault due to the choices in women they make over and over again, but the choose not to take the responsibility for it and change what they look for. And some, well, pretty much everyone is going to have a bad experience dating at some point, it is what helps us learn what we want and don't want in our future.

    So no, it isn't right to avoid love based on other people's, and form your own.

    It's like that old saying, if everyone was jumping off a bridge and dying...woud you jump too just to follow the crowd?

    Love problem!!! advice me,,, how to b romantic?

    My gf,, often asks me to start sumthing romantic, via text message (sms). how shud i strt sumthng romantic.. cn u guys n girls plzzz help me out here.. there are sum questions like rate me on the basis of blablabla,, so we cn strt a good conversation,,, cn u plzzzz tell me sum oder type of questions or sumthng else, so that we cn be romantic.. n remember she wnts it to be throgh text messages only... plzzz help,, i'll b really thnkful to that personLove problem!!! advice me,,, how to b romantic?
    I am also searching for answer of the question how to be romantic according to a girl ? it will be helpful for me i always find it very difficult...Love problem!!! advice me,,, how to b romantic?
    Well, you can say something like ';hey love'; ';I love you,xo';


    Just be creative, whatever you feel like saying,say it!
    tell here she is lovely ,good,beautyfull,smooth skin /attractive and say all + words referring to her beauty
    always start your sms with telling her hi sweety ,sweetheart,darling, n many more n use romantic word plz see it in your heart if u love her the romance will come from your fellings
    be genuine, think yourself a new way

    good luck!

    Offer advice ladies for a hopless romantic?

    Ok so this girl that I am pretty much in love with doesnt want a serious relationship. However, She realizes we have amazing chemistry and a wonderful spark so she isnt letting me pass by however no ';Official relationship'; has transpired. Well she says she feels pressured to make a decision because she cant do this emotional limbo anymore so we are going to a very romantic bed and breakfast this weekend. Advice I need is should I talk about it or just be me and let her choose I mean I care so much for her and the thought of losing her makes me sick to my stomach help ladies????Offer advice ladies for a hopless romantic?
    If you have this amazing connection and your such a great guy then dont bring it up, maybe she just is'nt ready but she will realize what a great guy u are, she seems to know that she just needs time to adjust to a serious relationship consider her past maybe thats what is effecting her decision or she is just scarred of commitment, regardless it seems if she follows her heart she will end up in your open armsOffer advice ladies for a hopless romantic?
    One of my favourite travel sites for Bed and Breakfasts
    Sorry, I'm not a lady, but I do have advice. First of all, there's no such thing as a 'hopeless romantic.' Everyone has game that they tap into in a certain moment. Besides, she say she don't want a relationship, oh, but ya'll have such an amazing chemistry... she's confused. She wants it, but just doesn't know it yet. Just be in the moment, and let nature take its course. Don't think. Feel.
    just be yourself. but don't make her feel like she has to make her decision while you're there. don't talk about just let her think. if you keep reminding her she might feel pressured. let her relax and enjoy the time she has with you. so she can make her decision
    Desperate looks just as ugly on a guy as it does on a girl. Play it cool and if she wants to commit, she will. If she doesn't, stay friends and maybe her feelings about having a relationship will change in the future. If you pressure her to commit, you will most likely drive her away. If she doesn't know how you feel about her, by all means tell her, but don't ';beat a dead horse';.
    Sure be yourself but you might dump some of those annoying things you know you do (a spring cleaning kind of thing). She'll be amazed. Don't rush, don't push....go slow, A relationship is much more than love at first sight. Get to know each other. Find common ground and do fun activities together that you both love to do. A deep friendship flavored with respect, trust, love and humor will allow the romance to stay vibrant for the long run.
    Well, you should probably talk to her casually and find out why she feels ';pressured';...... have you brought up the topic often even though she asked you not to? Have you given her many ';subtle'; hints that might have made her feel smothered?? You say you care and that should be enough for you to be patient and wait till she's ready. If you're going out together on this long weekend just enjoy your time together and let things flow, don't bring it up yourself, and if she feels like something's meant to happen, she will speak up and let you know that she's ready...... if SHE feels the need to start a relationship (although she said she didn't want to, but sometimes people aren't sure about what they really want) then I guess she'll give you hints or plain tell you so you know. Good luck.

    Would you answer my question? Thanks.....;鈥?/a>

    Im a hopless romantic..Im so depressed ..need advice ..?

    This, like all other depressing stories, involves someone else.There's a girl that I've known for about a year that I've got a major crush on. We worked together on a couple of plays. And every time we got together, I felt that there was something going on between the two of us. we make out with each other when we get a chance. To a lot of people that doesn't mean anything, but to me it does. I'm a hopeless romantic. And so I thought that maybe there was a possibility that the two of us could be together..Until this weekend:.Right now she's on a camping trip with her friend and I suspect that there may be some other guy there as well.I could just be being paranoid. But it's bugging me.I don't know what she's doing. And more importantly, I don't know what she thinks about me. And I'm scared shitless to just ask... just hate not knowing what's going on. It's the ';not knowing'; that's killing meRight now I have no idea, and it's driving me nuts.

    And that is why I'm depressed right now.Im a hopless romantic..Im so depressed ..need advice ..?
    Be honest with her. Any relationship you have needs honesty. I understand your fear of rejection but, the only way you are going to get the answers you seek is to ask and tell her how you really feel....good luckIm a hopless romantic..Im so depressed ..need advice ..?
    Stop being scared step up and be the man. If it doesn't work out then move on. Repeat until it works.
    This is exactly why relationships fail. One or the other has high expectations not based on reality. You don't really know her and you think your in love. Thats just puppy love or infatuation. A little more of this and you could be considered a stalker. Tell her what you would like to have with her and if she don't see it that way, move on and forget her.
    You might like her and want to be with her, but unless the two of you have a conversation about exclusivity, she's free to be with whomever she chooses. Feel free to tell her you like her, and want to be with her, but if she doesn't, you have to let her go.
    you really need to just ask her

    A complicated romantic situation...Can someone offer advice?

    I am 25 years old. I have not dated since high school. But recently, two female friends have expressed romantic interest in me, and I am not really sure how to handle this. The first woman, I have known for only a couple of weeks. She came to my apartment, and basically asked me out on a date after kissing me. The other is a friend I have known for three years now, and well, we slept together shortly after the visit of the first woman. The first woman is very optimistic, and reminds me of what it was like when I was younger even though we are the same age. To be honest, I have never been so excited by the knowledge that a woman had interest in me. I felt I owed it to her to tell her what happened between me and the woman I had been friends with for a long time, but it did not seem to bother her. She still wants us to go on a date. But the woman I have been friends with for years is someone who I know well and have always admired. I had not considered her a romantic partner until last night, and I am not sure she was not acting out of jealousy, but I just know we are compatible.

    Ideally, I would want to be with both of them, but I know I have to choose one or the other. How am I supposed to go about making such a decision, and what should I tell the one who I reject? A complicated romantic situation...Can someone offer advice?
    wowowoww. no dates since highschool and now you have 2 canidates??

    hmm. well i dont know how to help you make your decision....thats up to you.

    you just have to explain to one of the woman that it isnt the right time for you right now and that you'd like to stay friends

    When you say 2 someone that U care about them, can often mean romantic type or friendly like? Advice please!?

    First of all I'm not american so my native language is not english. I wrote this guy that I care about him but I didn't specified if it is as friend or something else. I mean we are friends, Do you think he thinks I'm talking romantic? He didn't reply and he always does right back so I don't know if he got the wrong idea!! What should I do? Cuz I mean friend but I don't know if a send him a wrong message. Help!When you say 2 someone that U care about them, can often mean romantic type or friendly like? Advice please!?
    explain what u meant right away before that situation gets very uncomfortable..When you say 2 someone that U care about them, can often mean romantic type or friendly like? Advice please!?
    it's not just the language you are having a problem with, it might be cultural too. American and Canadian culture, you won't find many guys, who won't get nervous or suspicious it you say you care for them. These happen to be two very Homophobic nations, so you have to be careful about showing or expressing, admiration, love, almost anything physical or emotional to another guy, short of a knuckle sandwich for lunch. Unless it's like tackle football, hockey hug, baseball a*s grab, etc. I guess it's got to be pretty confusing.

    You can make jokes and say ';that's why i like you';, you can tell him you consider him a good friend, but don't say you care about him, he figures that into the friendship, it kind of goes without saying here. So be careful in future.

    Ya, i think he took you wrong. No big deal, leave him a message and tell him, you feel embarrassed because you think you may have messed up by saying something that could be taken the wrong way. Now, that you realize what you said, you want to correct any misunderstanding and you just meant you considered him a good friend and that you'll be more careful with your English in the future. I'm sure he'll understand. Good luck.
    Well, not always but if that guy think so, that is his problem. Just go and tell him that I care about u cuz we're just friend! OK, GOOD LUCKS WITH THAT!
    that could be taken both ways if he ask u about it just explain what u meant
  • wrinkles
  • A complicated romantic situation... can anyone offer advice?

    I am 25 years old. I have not dated since high school. But recently, two female friends have expressed romantic interest in me, and I am not really sure how to handle this. The first woman, I have known for only a couple of weeks. She came to my apartment, and basically asked me out on a date after kissing me. The other is a friend I have known for three years now, and well, we slept together shortly after the visit of the first woman. The first woman is very optimistic, and reminds me of what it was like when I was younger even though we are the same age. To be honest, I have never been so excited by the knowledge that a woman had interest in me. I felt I owed it to her to tell her what happened between me and the woman I had been friends with for a long time, but it did not seem to bother her. She still wants us to go on a date. But the woman I have been friends with for years is someone who I know well and have always admired. I had not considered her a romantic partner until last night, and I am not sure she was not acting out of jealousy, but I just know we are compatible.

    Ideally, I would want to be with both of them, but I know I have to choose one or the other. How am I supposed to go about making such a decision, and what should I tell the one who I reject?A complicated romantic situation... can anyone offer advice?
    Wow, nice situation to find yourself in , hey?

    What are your interests, do either share them or support you in them?

    Do you now where you are going in life and do either of these ladies seem to be going the ame way?

    Who do you share more of your heart with and trust more?

    Sex, can be with anyone....but suitability is more important, because after the lust is gone, you have a life to live.

    Who d you know would support you in your dreams and stand beside you in them?

    I think you need to look past the obvious and work out your future....relationships take work and falling into bed can happen anytime.


    A complicated romantic situation... can anyone offer advice?
    dont be a player just go with the one you would see yourself with long term. and the one you reject would be fine with it but disapointed but as long as you are honest they might want you to keep their number just in case it doesnt work with the one you chose
    I commend you staying single as you seem to have a hard time making up your mind. The kindest thing in my opinion, is to take them both out,(individually) for lunch or dinner and explain to each one that you are ';dating'; and want to be up front and honest with them. Tell them that you are seeing other people and as much as you care for them,you would like to keep your relationship ';lite'; for now. until you deciderwhom you want to be with. Don't forget, there are more than 2 fish in the sea.

    Catherine E Dunn