Thursday, December 31, 2009

Offer advice ladies for a hopless romantic?

Ok so this girl that I am pretty much in love with doesnt want a serious relationship. However, She realizes we have amazing chemistry and a wonderful spark so she isnt letting me pass by however no ';Official relationship'; has transpired. Well she says she feels pressured to make a decision because she cant do this emotional limbo anymore so we are going to a very romantic bed and breakfast this weekend. Advice I need is should I talk about it or just be me and let her choose I mean I care so much for her and the thought of losing her makes me sick to my stomach help ladies????Offer advice ladies for a hopless romantic?
If you have this amazing connection and your such a great guy then dont bring it up, maybe she just is'nt ready but she will realize what a great guy u are, she seems to know that she just needs time to adjust to a serious relationship consider her past maybe thats what is effecting her decision or she is just scarred of commitment, regardless it seems if she follows her heart she will end up in your open armsOffer advice ladies for a hopless romantic?
One of my favourite travel sites for Bed and Breakfasts
Sorry, I'm not a lady, but I do have advice. First of all, there's no such thing as a 'hopeless romantic.' Everyone has game that they tap into in a certain moment. Besides, she say she don't want a relationship, oh, but ya'll have such an amazing chemistry... she's confused. She wants it, but just doesn't know it yet. Just be in the moment, and let nature take its course. Don't think. Feel.
just be yourself. but don't make her feel like she has to make her decision while you're there. don't talk about just let her think. if you keep reminding her she might feel pressured. let her relax and enjoy the time she has with you. so she can make her decision
Desperate looks just as ugly on a guy as it does on a girl. Play it cool and if she wants to commit, she will. If she doesn't, stay friends and maybe her feelings about having a relationship will change in the future. If you pressure her to commit, you will most likely drive her away. If she doesn't know how you feel about her, by all means tell her, but don't ';beat a dead horse';.
Sure be yourself but you might dump some of those annoying things you know you do (a spring cleaning kind of thing). She'll be amazed. Don't rush, don't push....go slow, A relationship is much more than love at first sight. Get to know each other. Find common ground and do fun activities together that you both love to do. A deep friendship flavored with respect, trust, love and humor will allow the romance to stay vibrant for the long run.
Well, you should probably talk to her casually and find out why she feels ';pressured';...... have you brought up the topic often even though she asked you not to? Have you given her many ';subtle'; hints that might have made her feel smothered?? You say you care and that should be enough for you to be patient and wait till she's ready. If you're going out together on this long weekend just enjoy your time together and let things flow, don't bring it up yourself, and if she feels like something's meant to happen, she will speak up and let you know that she's ready...... if SHE feels the need to start a relationship (although she said she didn't want to, but sometimes people aren't sure about what they really want) then I guess she'll give you hints or plain tell you so you know. Good luck.

Would you answer my question? Thanks.....;鈥?/a>

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