Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Need anniversary gift for romantic man. advice please...?

We have been dating 1 yr soon. I need a romantic or personalized gift as I know this is what he will want. I do not want to do photo in a frame (he has dozens), photo album (already has one of ';us';, lingerie (we use new stuff all the time), and we cannot go out to eat or to places of entertainment as he is in a really small rural town and there isn't anywhere for like a 1 hr drive away (I know, I know)! Anyways, please send me links to websites or items you might think of as good. Chocolates, flowers, or food won't cut it. He doesn't do much but sit at home and use his computer or do crosswords when he is off work so I am not sure what to get him. He is into sports but not anywhere where he can go to them, paranormal shows, and history. Any suggestions? I have an idea of what he is getting me and it is very romantic and elaborate. I am only looking to spend under $300 but I want it to be something that he can treasure long term.Need anniversary gift for romantic man. advice please...?
make a fabulous dinner for two at le kitchin table then a night on the town the bed..Need anniversary gift for romantic man. advice please...?
you could write him a poem, go get it engraved onto something(like a plaque) and give it to him.

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