Sunday, December 27, 2009

PLEASE I know its long but i'm a romantic & need your advice on what I should do or how I should take this.

Ok so I've been datng this guy for 7 months. We've had our ups and downs cause hes those afraid to commit types so we arent bf / gf. It was fine for me in the beginning b/c I had just got out of a 2yr relationship and then started dating this guy.Anyways, we've come a long way. I've opened up more as he has too, hes been great, sweet,attentive, tells me how much he cares for me and has love for me. But he made this comment that pissed me off. He was telling me how a coworker of his smacked him on the head playing around %26amp; he told his coworker that he plays %26amp;jokes around but doesnt like anyone touching or looking at him other than me. That made me happy so I said thats right and made a playful grab at his area. He enjoyed it and was like thats right %26amp; you better make sure to please me alot if you dont want me to get it from someone else. It just made me mad that he would say that period, you know? I got so mad that I was like well if thats all it takes to lose you then go.PLEASE I know its long but i'm a romantic %26amp; need your advice on what I should do or how I should take this.
Ok sounds like he has MAJOR commitment issues. His comment about ';please me right or else...'; I think was just a joke and didnt mean to be taken seriously. Dont blow it up and assume you have to please his every whim or hes out of here. You know him better than me, so if you think otherwise then you need to deal with it. I would ask him flat out if he has any intentions on commiting to you or is he just having fun/testing the waters?

He puts you in uncomfortable situations and you walk away from them. But by keep coming back to him this only signals to him that he has to suck it up apologize and she'll be ok. Then he does it again.... If it truly and deeply bothers/affends you, then you need to make it clear as day that you will not put up with this. He shouldnt put you in compromising situations where you feel the need to up and leave. It is unfair and his actions show he doesnt consider your feelings much!

You also sound as if you are not completely confident in your presence in his life. He is attractive and girls are on him all the time, this might be a reason why you are so sensitive to his comments and things he does. To him they might everyday actions and what other girls have put up with in the past and he thinks you will too. Aside from fearing him leaving you for another girl, maybe you having some trust issues with him? The things he says might get to you coz you dont trust he will be there with you when he feels like you arent pleasing him. Has he ever cheated on a girl he was in a relationship with? Does he flirt with other girls? Does he stare/ check out girls? If he is doing any of those things I think this is what triggers your reactions to his comments and actions.

Let him know what bothers you and what you dont like. If he knows your boundries then he knows what not to do so you dont feel uncomfortable. Hes not perfect so he might do these things but if you can see he is genuinely trying to correct it then let a comment here or there go in one ear and out the other.

On the other hand, maybe its his way to get a reaction out of you. He might not know how you feel about him. If he has commitment issues then he will most definitely have an issue with expressing his feelings and asking you about yours. Without intimidating him simply ask him why does he say those things or do these things. Dont ask in an offensive way this will only make him defensive. Casually confront him when he does say those things. Depending on his answer you should be able to read him to a certain degree. Next time try not to let him know it gets to you. Ignore it and he will probably stop sooner or later.

Dating for 7 months is a long time without a title yet. You are looking for a meaningful relationship and he might be having fun and taking things lightly. Sooner or later you are going to want him to commit. I think this will help with any trust issues going on and you will feel more secure about your relationship with him. I would let him know that you are ready to take things to the next level. Let him know that you feel you both have a lot invested and you want him to consider a change. Let him know clearly you are not giving him an ultimatum or anything...

You rpobably need to step back from the whole thing and really find out what YOU want from him and what he is willing to give. If you know you want more from him then you need to make that clear. If you are content with the way things are then so be it. If you feel as if things will not work out and you are tired of going through this then move on. Neither one is a simple solution, but you need to be firm on the decision you make. You cant let him ave you think differently or sweet tal you into anything. Thats why taking time to evaluate the situation with yourself you can find out what is missing and what you really want. There is no point in giving your all to someone who is going to up and leave on a whim. Though even with a commitment he might do that (anyone could) but you need put things in perspective.

Regardles, of the outcome you need to set boundries when it comes to dating. Especially when that are not willing to commit. They should know you have no obligations to put up with any BS from them. When they do cross the line, let them know. Dont just walk away, acknowledge the fact that they are in the wrong and do what you do.

It never gets any easier and with every guy you have to start over with establishing these things but as long as you know what you are willing to put up with, then you will be ok. Dont compromise your comfort level to please anyone. If they are anyone worth keeping around they will respect your feelings and honor them!

I was in your situation not too long ago and I decided I needed to move on. There was no point in me trying to commit to someone who wasnt willing to reciprocate.

Good Luck and take care!!PLEASE I know its long but i'm a romantic %26amp; need your advice on what I should do or how I should take this.
WTF? you GRABBED him?

Yea my girlfriend would of punched me if i said that, so i understand you getting upset. Its not a nice thing to say. I mean if he said it once and hasnt said anything like it since then maybe you should let it go for now but if hes saying things like this more often its time to get a new man sweety. When he said it do you think he was serious cuz sex isnt what makes a relationship its the people in it. Get down to the bottom how you feel you want to be with him for the rest of your life if you dont feel that way move on find someone that would never say that
Sounds like he has a lot of growing up to do - maybe its time to move on.
well it seems like he is being very insensitive to your feelings. he also seems very conceited. if he loves you so much why won he make a commitment? then again hes probably just joking around. BUT if hes just using you to have sex you have to sit him down and tell him y you were bothered by his comment. tell him you don't just want to be a peice of meat.

hope i helped at least a little
ok first of all...... you must be a gifted typer or a college student anyway dont let the guy get too cocky cause he thinks he can get any girl scince he has u anyway u should stay with him couples always get into arguments but if he tries to get cocky again i think you should leave him
Cheer up. First of all, make the ground on which you stand known and firm. Ie: none of that until marriage or whatever. And, let him know how that made you feel.

A relationship's not a relationship if there's no real communication.

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