Sunday, December 27, 2009

HELP PLEASE..Im a hopeless romantic..Need some serious advice..?

This, like all other depressing stories, involves someone else.There's a girl that I've known for about a year that I've got a major crush on. We worked together on a couple of plays. And every time we got together, I felt that there was something going on between the two of us. we make out with each other when we get a chance. To a lot of people that doesn't mean anything, but to me it does. I'm a hopeless romantic. And so I thought that maybe there was a possibility that the two of us could be together..Until this weekend:.Right now she's on a camping trip with her friend and I suspect that there may be some other guy there as well.I could just be being paranoid. But it's bugging me.I don't know what she's doing. And more importantly, I don't know what she thinks about me. And I'm scared shitless to just ask... just hate not knowing what's going on. It's the ';not knowing'; that's killing meRight now I have no idea, and it's driving me nuts.

And that is why I'm depressed right now.HELP PLEASE..Im a hopeless romantic..Need some serious advice..?
Ask her... I know you're expecting something more profound, but ask her and get to know one way or the other,...

Nothing else can help

Nothing else will work...HELP PLEASE..Im a hopeless romantic..Need some serious advice..?
well sounds like you have a big decension on your hands you need to decide if you are ready to admitt your feelings for her first then you need to be honest with her and tell her how you feel. Honesty is what buids a relationship. sounds like she has feelings for you also so just hang in there and feel her how you feel. Good luck!!!
Well, let's hope you don't **** up. :)

So you like this girl SO much that you have become a nervous wreck. hm. It's not really a depressing story, it's just very realistic. And you're not a hopeless romantic. You'll find someone who cares a lot about you the way you do, them.

I, personally, don't think she's right for you.

She's the type of girl who...well, I wont say she's easy cuz that's just not right. I'd say she just needs to figure herself out. She's been through something as a child no doubt, but now she's decided to act out on it. She doesn't like to be with a guy for a long time and she just has issues in general about how to have healthy relationship. She's a player.

But I don't know that for sure because I don't know everything there is really to know about that. You should go on some dates with her and just see who she really is and what she likes and if she likes you.

And who knows? Maybe she'll like something about you that will make her stay for a while, eh?

That would be cool.

And you seem like a pretty cool dude, yourself. You deserve a great woman.

But try not to get too attached to a girl. That's why they call it dating. :p


I hope all goes well. And I may have my theory wrong. I don't have that much info on you two. If you'd like to let me know more so I can help, go ahead and email me! I'm always open.

Have fun with your date! ;)

peace out, love
i mean if u really lyk her

why not take the risk n tell her

it's better than u stay there n panick n get nervous

but her a flower tommorow, bring her to dinner

n tell her u lyk her n hope that you can be with her forever

gd luck

(ps my bf oso not romantic but he still got me lol)
you have to tell the girl the truth about your feelings. you owe it to yourself. the longer that you wait, the worse you will feel. i can tell that this is really bothering you. whatever you do just get out everthing that you want to say tomorrow and dont hold back. if you honestly believe that she has no idea about your feelings then just ease into it and try not to come off too strong, but my guess is that she probably already knows how you feel. tell her straightforward but be prepared in case you do not get the desired response from her. and do remember that as deep as your feelings are for her over time they will heal if it dosent work out. Good Luck!!
  • wrinkles
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