Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I need romantic advice from you girls or guys...wanna help?

ok ok ok ok

my gf has a huge pet peve that really gets to me. She says im too young for her. Because of that she barely wants to hang out with me. We talk and text a lot on the phone. Everyday and night. Its summer so its also long distance. But i want to get rid of her pet peve. Even if she says she likes me a lot.

So i need either advice on looking older,


advice on how to romance my gf.

PS shes 16 and im 15

shes also had more boyfriends than i had girlfriends so you know, i need to be really good

thank you

a lot


so yeah

THANKSI need romantic advice from you girls or guys...wanna help?
What makes her older than you if she's only 16 and you're 15? Ok sure she's got a year on you but...that shouldn't matter if she really likes you. Looking older isn't going to fix it. Being mature might. But that sometimes take more than just a make over. And if she's had a lot of boyfriends at 16 then obviously she's not very steady.I need romantic advice from you girls or guys...wanna help?

Firstly wtf are you thinking? goshh weirdo, sorry.

why do you care about her pet anyways??? thats no big deal, just ignore it and ask if she wants you to come to your place instead! Well, if she says your too young for her then leave her then! there's nothing much to it! She thinks you young? WHY IS SHE DATING YOU!? Relationships are about being yourself and if she doesn't like you, then why should wanna hang out with you? If she loved you, she would have made some sacrifices such as keeping her pet somewhere else wen you spend time together or something like that.

There's hardly any tricks to looking older for guys, maybe girls but not boys. You dont wear makeup or anything. Your realtionship is practically dead man. Sorryyy! If youu wanna romance her, kiss her or something. WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO IMPRESS HER?!?! Just be yourself and she should love you for who you are.

geezz .
that's stupid.. and shes stupid.. i mean if she is embarrassed of you than you should not be together...bottom line
Im guessing she isn't even a full year older than you, both in the same grade, her excuse is just an excuse not even a pet peeve of hers. she is looking for a way out,Good way to get her going again is start talking to other girls in front of her but not heavy flirting,it will start to attract her to you even more again...Or should She may be someone who is insecure and then start asking you questions. Basically prove your worth without giving it off as you trying to make her jealous,just be casual about it but make sure she watches, its what also attracts girls you like to you,it gives them the sense that they are special because you chose them over the other person.Now also you are 15 who cares.

Its not like you are going to marry her lol.I mean if she is super hot keep her around a little longer, but make SURE you don't come off as needy because she is already showing signs of trying to make excuses. So only way to pull it back together really is to make her jealous..Yes dating,relationships, men and girls the whole relationship thing really is a game of chess that you need to play constantly at that age.Only time it seems to stop is when you are married and even then my brother and his wife do the same thing and they love each other to death. He told me when he proposed that he didn't ask ';will you marry me'; he said i want to marry you but only if we both agree this is for good no divorces, so if you can think of anything that will give you any doubts of wanting to stay together with me then say no to my proposal,They went through pretty much any possibility even cheating..They had an open relationship even after getting married when out of town for periods of time. for a few months in their marriage.
Go to her house and sing to her

Sing that u love her

take her on a picnic

a paddle boat ride

Say u love her

kiss her passionatly

i know this stuff cause i am LEGENDARY
Make yourself look mature mentally! eg. take care of her and do something that makes her touchable! the most important is to let her know how much you love her and treat her unique!

you also should be creative!
personally, i think that dating during those years is a're both still trying to figure out who you are and how to do 'the relationship thing' - no matter how confident one party may seem. she feels like you're too young because girls tend to mature faster than guys. my advice is start acting mature. consider her feelings, be sincere, pay attention (ie to what she likes and surprise her with a small gift), show her that you're not interested in her for selfish reasons (ie to only get into her pants). if shes a decent girl she'll realize that you're a catch and pay more attention to you. if you feel like you're bending over backwards and becoming a modern slave, forget her.

PS i dated a younger guy and it didn't work out - but its not a rule. if nothing else, you'll gain experience from it.
First of all, she makes it sound like she's like a lot older than you or something. So my first suggestion to you is, ';She's not that much older than you. So her mentality has problems.';

Secondly, if you really want advice on looking older, what I would suggest is acting a little bit more mature. Maturity takes time and I wouldn't expect anyone to just sprout out into a mature man or woman all of a sudden.

But, the mature thing to obviously do is get a hold of her, have a seat together, and try to talk about it. If you feel uncomfortable with it, tell her how you feel about her pet peeve. I have female friends and from my experience helping them with their relationship dilemmas, girls like confident guys who is not afraid to tell them about how they feel. Doing so shows confidence, honesty, and integrity. So if you guys are in a long distance, call her (NO TEXTING since it lacks sincerity) to talk about it. If you two can meet up, then sit down together and talk about it. Honesty is the best cure.

Also, in terms of how to romance your gf, that's honestly up to you. You have to find your own flavor of making your gf happy. I'm sure that even a small gesture of surprising her with a gift or something.

But my bottomline is, I think your girlfriend shouldn't say that ';youre too young for her'; when she's only older than you by a freaking year. And just be honest and sincere with her. Girls appreciate that a lot more; a guy who has the guts to be honest and caring enough to talk about their discomforts to the girl.
I don't know if there is a way to get rid of the pet peeve. If she likes you enough, she won't care. And just a year's difference isn't that much anyways.
  • great wear
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