Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ladies need your advice... ROMANTIC VS. CORNY/CHEESY?

Ok so basically the holidays are coming up and I have not seen my Fiance for a few months due to work. I have always wanted to know, can you be romantic with out being a little corney? If that makes any sense. For example, I have done a lot of things for women in the past and when I look back it seems kind of corney, although the women I was with at the time loved it and appreciated it, so can you give me some examples of what you feel is like romantic without being to corney or cheesy? I think the flowers idea is a little old fashioned, so I am basically just looking for something new. And fellas if you want to advise me on something smooth youve done in the past that will work too. Just want something fresh and that is not super expensive if it applies. Dont want to take your ideas specifically but want to get my creative juices flowing.Ladies need your advice... ROMANTIC VS. CORNY/CHEESY?
you could take her to the movies and then out to dinner and then to bed.Ladies need your advice... ROMANTIC VS. CORNY/CHEESY?
Write a letter or make a special dinner.

Women like things that YOU do that are personal. They prefer it not to be something that just ANYONE could do easily - they've had that a hundred times before.

If you send flowers you could at least attach a note and pick them YOURSELF to give it a persoanl touch - anyone can just buy flowers. Make whatever it is from YOU and unique to YOU.
Well what i thought was romantic what my bf done for me was, cooked me dinner, was a little burnt, but it didn't matter %26amp; after for desert, it was just a block of ice-cream but with chocolate sauce saying i love you over it :) .. i thought it was really sweet, just because he done it by himself. Was thoughtful.
cheesy is ok sometimes, but romantic is better, any sort of gesture where a man shows that he listens to a woman and remembers what she says is very romantic, like has she ever told you what her favorite of some item is, where is her favorite place in the world, that sorta thing, try to get a gift or plan a date completely catered to her, or dedicate a whole day to her, doing all her favorite things...
it depends on her. what would she like? i think it doesn't matter if romance is a little bit cheesy. and i don't think flowers are over-rated. my bf turned up on my doorstep when i was ill with a bunch of flowers and even though i found the recepit and saw that they didn't cost much, it didn't matter, coz they were from him. i bet she'll love whatever you do. you could cook a big romantic meal with candles and soft music in the background. hope you have an amazing evening. x
Flowers are a little cliched. Instead think about her hobbies and interests and get her something based non those. Film-like gestures are very cheesy. Just be sure that everything you say to her is original and how you really feel. That's romantic because you put real thought into it.
ok, this happened to my sister....leave chocolates on her doorstep (my sisters were in the shape of a rose), and then drive off, call her up and tell her to go to the front door...she was ecstatic, and very pleased :P
Just go and watch a great movie at the cinema or make a romantic meal. It doesn't really matter if it's corny, as long as they appreciate it.
if you REALLY love someone romance shouldn't be rehersed, when it comes naturally it never seems corny.
Don't be afraid to be corny as long as you're sincere. If you mean it, she'll love it.
romantic(french kisses..)
romantic best
Flowers then a nice meal !!!!
Hi - I'm your Warm counterpart! :-)

My ex boyfriend would do really sweet things that I loved. He would dress really nicely and wear lovely aftershave, and bring me a little present, or some flowers and even though I hate corny, cheesy stuff I would love it from him because he made it cool. He would give me creative artistic presents related to whatever I was in to at the time. So, whatever your Fiancee is in to, you could get her a little present related, and some cool flowers that are you know, more stylish. And then you could dress nicely which shows that you've made a real effort. Any girl would love that I think.
I once had a wonderful man put a airline ticket on my windshield . He was more than a man,and a very perfect ,gentleman., like I knew he would be. He left me a note what to wear and a box of Whitman's next to the ticket . I went . It was a wonderful weekend and now I have a wonderful new friend , no media , no people, just 2 ppl full of lifes adventures a glorious conversations out in the middle of nowhere. I had my very first horseback ride and a ride in the dessert with a convertible was assume! A t shirt and jeans and a woman's dreams....That special person gave me my wish of a lifetime and we had great fun.!

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