Sunday, December 27, 2009

Any advice for me? im writing a romantic and funny story...?

how to write a romantic story without being too cheesy and being too cynical?...any tips in writing a romance novel would be greatly appreciated...:)Any advice for me? im writing a romantic and funny story...?
As a romance writer with two books under contract, I can tell you that romance writing isn't any more formulaic than other genres. Sure, there are certain things the reader expects (a happy ending, for one), but every genre has its own reader expectations. Writing romance is just as involved as writing any other kind of book. You can tie your comic romance to another sub-genre like: erotica, suspense, historical, courtroom, western, contemporary, fantasy, sci-fi to give it an extra dimension, more substance for a story. Each of these will lead your story in a totally different direction. My romances are suspenseful and dramatic. I have a website,, where I give an idea of what my writing is about and answer any questions that come my way.

The best way to approach your writing is to read as much as possible - romances that intrigue you - and books that guide you in the art of writing. Write every day, even if it's just stream-of consciousness. Find your voice. Tune up your grammar, spelling, and punctuation so your writing is as technically good as you can make it. I hope I've helped. Good luck!Any advice for me? im writing a romantic and funny story...?
The number one writing tip OF THE CENTURY is...


If you want to write a good story, then write what you feel. This is why you should not stop writing. Sit yourself down and just start writing whatever you want and don't worry about grammar. You can fix the errors later. Let your intuition guide you. The trick is to keep the flow going in one direction, forward. It's difficult, but don't stop. You need to get those ideas out on paper. Don't backspace, don't worry, and just keep typing.
Yes - how about you have the guy as the protagonist for once, who falls in love with the girl, instead of the other way around. It would be really interesting (and really innovative!) to write this kind of story from a male perspective.

Good luck!
I find romance novels very formula driven. Simply read about 100 romance novels and then just do what they do.
All romantic storys are always alike. Add something in your romance book that other people havn't done. I got soem ideas but then it would be my story, not our story.
I would say, just read other books of the same genre that are popular. Watch movies of that genre too. It will get you inspired! :)
  • wrinkles
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