Thursday, December 31, 2009

Honest advice plz how can i get my husband to be romantic or shows he cares?

what do i have to do wat can i say how can i act plz be honest and help me out i love him so muchHonest advice plz how can i get my husband to be romantic or shows he cares?
Make the first move. Be affectionate, kind, supportive, respect him, and make your love for him heard! I can guarantee he will return the favor! He may not be romantic because you are not showing him the above mentioned things....Try what I said and see what happens, I'm curious. It's never failed yet! Good luck!Honest advice plz how can i get my husband to be romantic or shows he cares?
Well, there is no ';magic potion'; for husbands that you can give him...I wish there was, that would make our jobs as wives easier. But the truth is, marriage is not just a walk in the is more like climbing a takes lots of work. And there are two really important things in a marriage: Love %26amp; Respect. Now men and women need both love and respect, but men have a bigger need for respect, and women have a bigger need for love. So a big thing in helping you get your husband to be loving towards you is to show him respect. I know it can be really hard to show respect sometimes, especially when our husbands are being unloving, but it such an important thing for a wife to do...even when our husbands don't deserve it!! And eventually, when they start feeling like we respect them and honor them for who they are, they start to act more loving towards us. I can tell you from personal experience that nagging, and being crabby, and doing whatever else toward your husband to get him to do something is NOT the way to motivate him to do what you want him to do. I've tried it countless times, only to wind up causing him to be even more distant and less likely to change. But if instead we treat our husbands with respect, telling them how much we appreciate them, and such, things will be much different. I know one thing my husband really likes is when I brag about him in front of other people, and tell them about something great he has done...that really makes his day, and he acts a lot more loving towards me. I still have a lot to learn in the whole marriage department, but each day brings new opportunities to learn more.

I would highly recommend reading the book Love %26amp; Respect by Emerson Eggerichs. I have never actually read the book, but we went to their marriage conference based on the book...and it was soooo good!!!

I hope this has helped some...marriage takes a lot of work, but it is such a wonderful gift!! Blessings to you!
blah blah blah.. i see this question about a billion times a day .. i hate to break it to you if you have to coax him into it ..its not going to happen.. What do you think happens to guys all over the world every day.. they married and make love like rabbits and the woman then acts the rest of the time like she never knew they were lovers ..i suspect he bought the cow so doesnt have to buy the milk anymore as the old saying goes.. it happens and also happens to guys to guess we arent the only unlucky people .
seduce him
most likely you have been married for awhile...the problem would then be comfortability issues, he has to much...spice it up for him try something you have never done before..he will notice and respond
Don't delay, talk to him, tell him your feelings %26amp; tell him that his job in life is to look after the girl he married.

You appear to be in a rut %26amp; you must get out of it.

Never let little problems fester because they could grow into big problems. You have let this one go, tackle things at the time immediately as your sadness will show.

Change routines, go out for the day %26amp; do something different, we all get a bit complacent with each other.

I am sure you can both work it out.

If you have kids it is most important that you do sort it because breakups ruin many lives %26amp; we dont want that to happen.

Best wishes to you both, good luck, I wish you well %26amp; I am sure you both will work it out.
This is all from experience.You shouldn't have to tell someone';hey i need attention or hey can you do something nice for me'; I know you love him and love is very painful. You have to realize no one can give you what they don't need.If he doesn't have the same needs he will NEVER give you what you need.Let me guess in the beginning it was wonderful then things changed.Men love to lie and do what ever they can to get you then show the real them once they got you.That was not fair.As much as it hurts it's time for you to say goodbye! You will just sit there thinking you can change him holding on to hope saying to yourself today.Today will never come.You can try to get him a book about romance but I don't think it will work and if it does it will only work for up to two weeks.You Love him so it is hard to imagine your life without him.Instead of imaging life without him imagine life with someone who has the same wants and needs as you do.That's the right man for you.Don't settle you deserve to be happy! Know your worth! If you stay in this relationship all it will lead to is pain and heartache. Whatever you do leave him before you find the man that has the same needs and wants as you do.Don't make my mistake and find the man that gives you everything you need while your married! I use to beg for romance.I would tell him things to do and he still wouldn't do it.It's not worth it.I thought he would change.I guess I should have figured it out after sixteen years.

Good Luck!
drop your panties too him lol
Dress him like a lady--we are much more romantic;)
Now just hold on a minute.

Aren't you the lady who asked the SAME question in relation to your boyfriend less than 20 minutes ago?

You must have got married very quickly...(?)
are you romantic yourself? try surprising him when he comes home one day n____ with a string of clothes leading to you.

if nothing else it will get his att!!!
talk to him, tell him how you feel, be yourself, ur the 1 that put that ring on his finger but he took the vows too, all the best
Then talk to him honestly, truthfully and straight forward. For example: ';honey, I have something I need to talk to you about.'; '; I would love it if you could show me more, how much you love me.'; '; I feel a little lonely sometimes, like I'm not the most important thing to you.'; Or you could be sneaky about little romantic things for him. You could leave him little notes where he'll find them....just notes that say, '; I love you.'; or ';You are so special to me.'; leave them in his shirt pocket, wallet, car console....just where he'll find them......maybe if he sees you being sweet and romantic....maybe some will rub off :)
Be open and honest with your self about the changes you would like to see in your relationship, write a list and see where you are willing to make a change also. Surprise him by making the first step in showing love, and affection. Plan a night where you can be alone with candles and music and nice lingerie.
Honestly, you can ';MAKE'; a guy do anything. Maybe just be honest. Tell him how your feeling. Meet him halfway by setting the mood with a nice surprise dinner and let him lead the way.
right first of all im sure your husband knows how much you love him and he clearly loves you back.

marrigaes get to a certain point and every thing is too familiar. you need to spice it up a little. try doing somehting that he likes to do ! book up somewhere in this country for the weekend, do things that you have both never done before, you need to put the light back into you love life and your sex life. sex is a big part of a re;lationship and if you dont comunicate very well you start to forget what the other one likes. sometimes you start to think that they dont find you attractive anymore etc etc. try taking him to a hotel in the coutry, book a suite. buy lots of sexy outfits, toys and treat yourself, get your hair done, even go on the sunbed. totally treat yourself untill you feel good inside. and im sure that by the time you have had all of this, tried to toys, and the outfits your marrige will be fine and your sex life will be oozing with fun !!!

i really do wish you all the best and feel free to ask for advice any time email address

best wishes

Divorce him an get a new one...
Talk to him and tell him that you would like for him to be more loving and show you he loves you.
My husband was like that and I tried everything I could think of but the more I tried the more he push me away.Come to find out he was having an affair with a co-worker.You cannot make your husband love you or show you love if it isn't there.The longer your married the harder it gets to keep the fire burning,when it goes out for the husband usually it lack of affection and respect.All you can do is be their for him and keep showing your love he will come around.This is really a hard question to answer because every marriage is different. GOOD LUCK!
Hi you need to explain to him how you feel as men are like children they need a kick up the bum now and then. Go out for dinner and talk to him as there he cant walk away or not talk back which is great. Maybe you need to spice up your bedroom activity or go out more together as a couple and just do little things for him and he will/should start doing it for you.

Good luck
some people are not romantic it does not mean he does not love you he just does not know how to show it i think you just need to give him some pointers of what romantic is
Communication is the key I think - chat with him about how you feel but there is no telling if he will take you seriously or put himself out to please you.

Truth is some men just don't have it in them, sorry to be so direct but sometimes it just has to be said.

You could suggest going out for a candlelit dinner in a romantic restaurant with musician's that seranade couples.

Good Luck
Tell him that you'd like to indulge in a spot of role playing behind closed doors. If he happily goes along with any suggestion you make, it's love alright.
Its amazing how many women try to make their partners someone they're not. However you'll know if he cares if you can have an open conversation about your feelings.

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