Sunday, December 27, 2009

Help! My husband is more like Scooby Doo than a romantic bandit. Need advice!?

My husband and I have been married for 3.5 years and he is a good man. He was charming at first but now I am really annoyed that he is not loving me in more ';grown-up'; way. He tells me he loves me and is attentive but it feels more of a high school romance than the mature romance that I had expected and hoped for. He and I have argued about it many times and I have even given him pointers and he has failed miserably. I am turned off at the thought of being close to him and I almost hate to see him trying to be close to me because it is not what I want but he does not ';get it';. To be such a handsome man I find it hard that he does not know the basic things about women. He is a great guy but I am not going to teach him something he should already know. Losing interest while I am waiting. WE are both near 30! I do not want to talk to him about this any more but I don't want to divorce either but I know that I cant avoid him forever. How can I help him be more of a MAN!?Help! My husband is more like Scooby Doo than a romantic bandit. Need advice!?
Your first problem with approaching this issues is you are trying to ';train'; him rather than work with him. You expect him to already know things, so you refuse to deal with it anymore. For freak sake, this guy isn't a mind reader. Stop trying to change him and mold him into the person YOU expect him to be. You chose to marry him for a reason, or was it just to change him. How about you talk about this issue instead of pushing this issue. Your communication skills are sorely lacking.Help! My husband is more like Scooby Doo than a romantic bandit. Need advice!?
Hey, you knew what he was about when you married him. Did you expect him to suddenly change?

Men marry women that they hope will never change, women marry men hoping to change them. Both are wrong.
DON'T GIVE UP like my wife gave up on me after 17 years. Men take longer to mature but you have to keep those communication lines ALL THE WAY OPEN! My wife did not comm. with me so therefore I ended up trying to figure her out and sadly I was wrong and she blames me for not ';being there'; for her. We're now seperated by her choice....Well it ain't happening if you don't talk about it ANYTIME you feel the need to! Just don't give up on him if you truly love him please!
Sometimes you have to tell them what you want from them. Tell him what to do. Then maybe next time he will remember and add a little flavor of his own.
Give him a scooby snack! Seriously....if you don't want to talk to him about this anymore....How do you expect things to change? You need to keep talking to him....educate him on how to be attentive to a woman....
Take charge. This is your life. Stop waiting. Plan a night. Tell him you did that. Tell him his role and what specifically you want. Sometimes we all need things pointed out in BIG, BOLD letters that we cannot misunderstand. Forget bashing him for what he doesn't do and ask him for what you want. If he loves you, he will gladly step up.

';touch me here'; ';softer'; ';Tell me this'; ';Call me at lunch';, ';Hold my hand'; ';I need a hug';, ';I need you to just listen and not crack jokes right now';, '; I would love it if you would send me flowers';, '; I miss it when you used to do _____';, '; I love it when you do__________'; and on and on. Men who love women will step up when they know what you want in no uncertain terms. Ask for what you need, Give what you can, and take control over this. Work out some solutions. Don't criticize, defend, etc. Listen, be honest, present solutions, and make it happen.

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