Thursday, December 31, 2009

OK boys! I need your advice on a subject of a romantic nature! :)?

Ok! So I need you to help me decide if I've got a chance with this boy or we are destined to just be friends forever! So we've known each other for years, but only became friends this fall and we talk a lot in school and text like all day everyday! So he had this girlfriend he was always talking about but I never met her. And after that was over another one. And then there was this girl he liked. I was his confidant for all of them and I did a dang good job at it considering my heart was breaking! lol. But he tells me EVERYTHING! Stuff he won't talk about with anyone else. Like when his uncle died he wouln't tell anyone but finally me, and when his latest girlfriend dumped him, and when he won mvp for bball i was the first to know. And he tells me you are the first one I've told. He's a flirt so when he flirts with me I don't take him serious. So is there a chance he has ANY feelings for me, or I am just doomed to be his bff for the rest of my life? thanks a ton! :)OK boys! I need your advice on a subject of a romantic nature! :)?
I dunno, it sounds like he just sees you like one of the guys. He has had several opportunities to pursue you and yet he has chosen other girls instead. I would try and put your attention on another boy to find out for sure. You know how guys get jealous.

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