Thursday, December 31, 2009

Help! Advice pls. Can the romantic spark comeback after being friends or is it still there but she's scared?

Me and this girl are dating for 3 months. All of a sudden she says that she feels its not going anywhere. BUT she calls me and texts me like we are still dating. I really like her and i felt we really never got to know each other well enough. Had sex 3 times and enjoy each others company. Anyone have any life experiences to share etc.. I am 30 she 26. Any advice or anything.. PLEASE. Could she just be thinking of still being with me as a boyfriend? SHE SAYS SHE JUST DOESN’T FEEL THE ROMANTIC CONNECTION, but she slept with me post break up. Now wants no more sex or anything cause she isn’t feeling it. She says she feels no more than a friends feeling, but she has gone back and for weeks now. She asks relationship questions if i am jealous etc..then she says we are friends, Then she decides not to talk anymore that’s what she wants, but two days later she calls like she never said that to me and acts like nothing ever happened?? Missing me already? I just dont understandHelp! Advice pls. Can the romantic spark comeback after being friends or is it still there but she's scared?
i say it's one of two things, either she's Bi-Polar in which you should just stay her friend or leave her alone before she ends up confusing the both of you. Or she's holding out for someone else. She wants you jealous? What is that? She calls you and tells you that she just wants to be your friend. Then the minute you are somewhat o.k with it, she calls you with relationship type questions. It sounds like she wants to have all the perks of leading you around by the nose just in case the guy she really want dont want her, she wont be completely lonely. And that's a terrible thing for anyone to do. You should get some back bone, tell her that if you two are in fact going to be friends, that's all you two will be. No more of the back and forth. Because i can guarentee if you told her that you had met a girl that you really like, she woul dflip out and want you . Tell her it's over and you want to be with her, she will get to talking that 'lets just be freinds' crap. Do it and see if i'm lying to you. Only then you will know her true intentions with you. Which is to keep you around on a 'Just in case,' relationship. You need to be a man and break this off for good before you find yourself being her Back up..Help! Advice pls. Can the romantic spark comeback after being friends or is it still there but she's scared?
I think you are dealing with a very confused person. If you want to make sure she likes you. Well, do something to make her jealous. Find someone else to go out with, so she can see that you won't be there for her at her disposition. You need to let her know that you have a life too. If she considers you her friend, well, then treat her as a friend. Tell her you are going out with someone else. Make her feel she lost you. Then she will react. She will let you know if she feels jealous or if she is really just your friend.

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