Sunday, December 27, 2009

Gimme advice! (quick) what is the most romantic way to prpose my girlfriend(note: im still in high school)?

Start by tagging some other chick. Then another, and another. Wear a condom and don't get anyone pregnant. Go to college and get laid about 300 times by as many girls as you can. When you're about 28 or so, if you run in to this girl again and you still love her then you take her to her favorite place to eat. Pull the waiter aside and tell him/her your plan so they will take great care of you. Order expensive drinks and food. At the end of the meal get down on one knee and tell her you love her more than anything in the world and your life could never be as good without her.Gimme advice! (quick) what is the most romantic way to prpose my girlfriend(note: im still in high school)?
not to sound motherly, b/c im only a teen too. But i think you may want to wait till your just a bit older. you dont want to put too much pressure on her. Maybe you should start by talking about it with her as the first step.Gimme advice! (quick) what is the most romantic way to prpose my girlfriend(note: im still in high school)?
Maybe you could could go for a ride on your bike and then get down on one knee by the slide...

:) my advice is to wait until you're older...
um... i assume your both 18 or else its not even legal but i would go out to dinner at a really nice restaurant and tell her how much you love her, then get down on one knee and ask! you could also watch a sunset together, the times are in the paper, and ask, or since its winter you could go ice skating if you have somewhere in your area and ask her. Best of luck!
hmm is she into musik? ohh ofcorse she is...write her a song...sorry cant thnk of nythng......
Quick advice? Easy. Wait until you are older. I know several people that have gotten engaged early (in high school) and they either 1) don't get married or 2) have the marriage fail quickly. Wait until you are more financially secure, know where your life is going (as far as kids, college, career), and your girlfriend knows where her life is going too.

If you want to make a commitment to her that shows her that you are serious about her and that you love her dearly, try a promise ring. A promise ring is a smaller ring than an engagement ring. It could be a diamond or even her birthstone. It usually will cost you less money. It is a promise that you are serious about her and you are thinking about the future. It is a promise that your heart is hers. I think, for your age, you should really consider that. I am not trying to be mean at all. I remember being in high school and thinking that I found the guy of my dreams my senior year. He proposed that year as well. It didn't work out. Take things slowly and work out more things in your life before you make a step like this.
Get her in ur bedroom, start having sex, and give her the ring.
HIGH SCHOOL!!!! dude me too. are you crazy? you're way too young! atleast wait a couple of years until you're done with studying... and get a job, otherwise... how are you gonna pay car, house, rents, baby, wedding and all that sh!t =P
ask her to be your girl friend.

wait for marriage.

both of you need to:

graduate, go to college or trade school

graduate,get a good job, a nice place to live.

Then ask her to marry you if you want to.

You will have a much better chance of staying together.

Don't have sex. If you do, make sure you are both protected.

A baby could really complicate things.
Advice! Quick! DON'T! :)
you dont need to be getting married this soon. I guess you have no plans for college??
I'd suggest that you just go to the same college and see whether the romance is still there a few years from now. There's really no need to rush these things and proposing now is likely to scare her off. Even if she does say yes her family is likely to freak out and try to separate you because of your age. I think that if you wait a few years your chances of getting a yes and of having a happy marriage will be much better.
Advice?? First a question... What in the He*! are you thinking?? That is not nice at all! You are going to ruin your life and hers!! I know you think Oh all these stupid people on here are telling me not to do it- but I am an ADULT and I can do what I want- and I'm not going to listen to all their stupid thoughts- well LISTEN ANYWAY!! I got 2 promise rings from 2 different boyfriends in high school- then got engages to another guy after high school . Little girls don't know what they want at that point in their life- they think they do but trust me THEY DONT!! Colloege is ahead- lots of fun parties and wild times- wait till you get all done with that! Maybe give her a Promise ring- ever hear of that!! Good Lord! Have you told your parents this?? I hope your father knocks some sense into you! Silly boy!
When you are in your 20's, just ask her. She's not going to care how it's done. Only propose when you can support a household.
Well 1st of all your still in highschool, I don't think thats such a good idea, but its your life, so my advice, I would take her out to dinner, maybe her favorite place to eat. or even just a walk in the park. Just as long as she knows that you care about her and want to spend the rest of your life with her.
i thinl your to young but wait till ya'll prom or homecoming. Slow dance with her then in the middle of the dance floor get on your knee give her a red rose and then ask her to marry you.

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