Sunday, December 27, 2009

She wnts me to be romantic,,,, love prob,,,, advice me!!?

my girl often wnts me to start sumthng romantic,via sms ,, a romantic topic. how to start it,,,,,guys n gals plzzz help me. questions like rate me on basis of looks, nature, blablabla hv helpd me earlier,, bt nw i wnt sumthng new.. plzz tell me some questions to ask her like this...THROGH TEXT MESSAGE... or sumthng more creative.

WARNING- dnt say that be genuine,,,, or look into r heart,, or feel deep.... best ans will b chosen...She wnts me to be romantic,,,, love prob,,,, advice me!!?
I don't actually know half of what you're trying to ask, but being romantic is something that just comes naturally if you put your mind to it. If you really care about this person than just let them know in any (or every) way you can think of. Remember, words aren't the only way to convey a message.

And text messaging? I wouldn't call that the best choice.She wnts me to be romantic,,,, love prob,,,, advice me!!?
My husband and i like to text through out the day and pretend we are different people. We pretend we don't know that we are actually texting each other, like some kind of complete romantic strangers. We say a place where we will meet up later and what we will do and hope our spouse doesn't find out. It is cute. He will also just text me the numbers 143 for i love you whenever he has a spare moment in the day. We like to ask what the other is doing right at that moment and what we would do if i just stopped in while he was thinking about it. We also like to talk about what we would do if we had enough money to do it. Something exotic like trips around the world and how we would be enjoying them. He is very sweet and it keeps our romance in our marriage alive, so you and your girlfriend are doing a great thing right now. It is cute! Don't let anyone tell you any different!
Why don't you text her saying how beautiful she is, how amazing she makes you feel, and how happy you are with her? and how she means the world to you.

You could also send her flowers, that would be pretty sweet.

Or write her a letter.

I wrote to my boyfriend telling him how much I love him and all that jazz, and he was really happy :)
Ask her where she sees herself in 10 years.

Ask her if she could choose one person to be stuck on a deserted island who would she choose, and why.

Tell her to tell you what she likes best about you.

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