Thursday, December 31, 2009

I've a guy BFF. Usually its normal, then sometimes I get romantic feelings for him. Its so confusing! Advice?

He hasn't shown any interest in me other than as a friend, so I'd be nervous about talking to him. I have known him from 12 years and we are very close, so I'm afraid make things weird. I just don't know what to do with these feelings.I've a guy BFF. Usually its normal, then sometimes I get romantic feelings for him. Its so confusing! Advice?
That's a hard one.

On one hand some of the best relationships start out as friends and on the other hand some relationships finish best friends. Here's what I would do. I guess I would tell him in a way that suggests that I was not entertaining the idea at all. Like maybe tell him you had a sexual dream about him. Just to see how he reacts. I know that its the chicken's way out, but if you've been friends with him for 12 years, that would be a friendship I would not want to lose.I've a guy BFF. Usually its normal, then sometimes I get romantic feelings for him. Its so confusing! Advice?
Don't make a move unless you know he feels the same but tell him how you feel even if nothing happens he will be happy that you confided in him. Also it will be good to get it off your chest. If you are happy with your friendship then don't do anything with your friend because if things go wrong you may lose him all together. Good luck. :) x
If you really trust these feeling and think they're strong then I say go for it, but dont be too hasty, it might be one of those things where you like him now, then later you wont feel as strongly for him...
open your mouth and you'll blow that 12 year friendship. keep it shut and you could never know their true feelings. that's a hard one. follow your HEART not your mind. your mind will deceive you, your heart never will.
u should ask his frendz 2 tell u if he tlkz bouts u nd if he does dat meanz he lykez u bk
No matter how close you guys maybe if you have a friendship with a member of the opposite sex the odds are very heavily stacked that there will eventually be sexual tension. Its just the way things are. People have sex drives, you two are very familiar with each other and a member of the opposite sex. It only makes sense it would happen. Opposite sex friendships can work out but its not likely.

You need to ask him if he feels the same way and be out with it. Explain it to him, see if he feels the same for you. If he doesn't and you really believe that you can handle just being friends then assure him that you can deal with this. You should make sure that you have intentions on dating him seriously however. If you just date him as a non-serious relationship that will hurt your friendship. If you guys are serious about it and it doesn't work out theres still a good chance you can be friends afterward.
its normal. i mean u know him and u like him. i mean i kinda asked my guy bff out and we went out for 5 1/2 months but on the other hand, my cuz asked her bff guy out and it got ACWORD! but what ev. best of luck!

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