Thursday, December 31, 2009

A complicated romantic situation... can anyone offer advice?

I am 25 years old. I have not dated since high school. But recently, two female friends have expressed romantic interest in me, and I am not really sure how to handle this. The first woman, I have known for only a couple of weeks. She came to my apartment, and basically asked me out on a date after kissing me. The other is a friend I have known for three years now, and well, we slept together shortly after the visit of the first woman. The first woman is very optimistic, and reminds me of what it was like when I was younger even though we are the same age. To be honest, I have never been so excited by the knowledge that a woman had interest in me. I felt I owed it to her to tell her what happened between me and the woman I had been friends with for a long time, but it did not seem to bother her. She still wants us to go on a date. But the woman I have been friends with for years is someone who I know well and have always admired. I had not considered her a romantic partner until last night, and I am not sure she was not acting out of jealousy, but I just know we are compatible.

Ideally, I would want to be with both of them, but I know I have to choose one or the other. How am I supposed to go about making such a decision, and what should I tell the one who I reject?A complicated romantic situation... can anyone offer advice?
Wow, nice situation to find yourself in , hey?

What are your interests, do either share them or support you in them?

Do you now where you are going in life and do either of these ladies seem to be going the ame way?

Who do you share more of your heart with and trust more?

Sex, can be with anyone....but suitability is more important, because after the lust is gone, you have a life to live.

Who d you know would support you in your dreams and stand beside you in them?

I think you need to look past the obvious and work out your future....relationships take work and falling into bed can happen anytime.


A complicated romantic situation... can anyone offer advice?
dont be a player just go with the one you would see yourself with long term. and the one you reject would be fine with it but disapointed but as long as you are honest they might want you to keep their number just in case it doesnt work with the one you chose
I commend you staying single as you seem to have a hard time making up your mind. The kindest thing in my opinion, is to take them both out,(individually) for lunch or dinner and explain to each one that you are ';dating'; and want to be up front and honest with them. Tell them that you are seeing other people and as much as you care for them,you would like to keep your relationship ';lite'; for now. until you deciderwhom you want to be with. Don't forget, there are more than 2 fish in the sea.

Catherine E Dunn

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