Sunday, December 27, 2009

In Need of Romantic Ideas and Advice?

My girlfriend has recently taken to complaining about the lack of romance in our relationship. To be fair, she is right. I haven't been as romantic as I should have been. I haven't bought her anything for the last few aniverseries (1 year, 4 months). This isn't to say I've done nothing however. I've bought her numerous dinners, treats, groceries and other things. I've also insisted on spending time with her and been (in my opinion) very tender with her.

However, this hasn't been enough. She's still very distant, despite many requests to do things with me. She is busy with homework and school and such but she somehow has time for Star Trek and watching movies with an actor she has a crush on. I'm somewhat worried that she's losing interest in me.

I want to prove her wrong and do something romantic that will show her how much I care for her. I'm admittedly bad at romantic ideas however and she's very picky. She's repeatedly pointed out that I haven't written her a poem.In Need of Romantic Ideas and Advice?
Your girlfriend sounds a little needy - if it starts to really bother you, you should talk to her about it and make her see some sense. If you do want to be romantic, I agree, spontaneity is the best way to go about it. Tell her you are going to take her out one day but don't tell her where, and organise something that she would find romantic. A fully prepared picnic in the park, a dinner and an activity afterwards, a small present, etc depending on what you think your girlfriend would like. You obviously care a great deal for her so generally the small things should count more - turning up unexpectantly at her house, texting just to tell her you love her, sending her something in the mail just to make her smile, buying her flowers when you haven't seen her in a few days all would contribute to you being more romantic. Good Luck!

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