Sunday, December 27, 2009

I can't turn on my partner. Need romantic and sex advice....?

For some reason she isn't interested, I'm almost never romantic, but her and others tell me how attractive I am, but I'm guessing looks alone don't get me anything...I can't turn on my partner. Need romantic and sex advice....?
MAYBE YOUR INTO 'GUYS'??? just a thought!I can't turn on my partner. Need romantic and sex advice....?
Unfortunately for you looks aren't everything. It's the inside that counts not the outside.

She probably feels like you don't really care %26amp; all you want her for is sex so if you genuinely do value your relationship then start showing her some affection %26amp; give her more one on one attention %26amp; most of all if you really do love her then tell her because she's not a mind reader.

Good communication is the key to a good relationship so good luck!
I agree with the above about being romantic but don't go down the predictable route of chocolates, flowers from the garage, etc because it's not sending the right message.

Being romantic is about putting some real thought and effort into whatever you do, that you made time, went out of your way and did something unique to her.

It's impossible for me or anyone else on here to tell you what that thing is because we don't know her, think about things she absolutely loves to do, what really excites her and let that be your guide.

For example, if she's into history take her to somewhere like York for the weekend, or a show, or on a concert of her favourite band, etc.

It has to be specific to her, something you organised yourself and didn't happen just because you threw a load of money at it.

As the saying goes, it really is the thought that counts!
Kiss her neck, look in her eyes and tell her what she means to you.

Make her dinner and play romantic music.

Take her out to her favorite restaurant.

Compliment her constantly.

Do something outrageous in bed.

Ask her what she would like you to do to her. (sexually)

Just make everything about her, if she doesn't come around she just isn't into you anymore.

This is reading directions. Interest evolves from within. Only if she is interested will she get ';romantic';. Make a note in your journal about this learning experience. You must find ';romantic'; channels and interest to satisfy your persona appetite.

It is not about her. It is all about you. She has nothing to do with it.
All the slushy romantic stuff just comes across as false these days, the most impressed I have been with my boyfriend is when he has been spontaneous with something. He gave me two tickets to see my favourite comedian out of the blue one and I thought that was really nice. He also paid for us to have a weekend in Milan for my birthday which was really romantic, I thought.
Why don't you just give them a massage, something sensual but relaxing.

Then maybe light some scented candles and give a relaxing sweet feel to the room. Then just start slowly drifting into things. I am sure it would be al ot more romantic for your girlfriend that way.
1.Buy a flashy car.

Or if she is girlfirend or a girl you like, consider finding a new one. Don't waste your time on someone that isn't interested in you. There are tons and tons of good looking girls out there.
Romance is very important so get romantic. If you aren't she'll only feel that you want her for your sexual gratification and not want her as a person. It doesn't take much, just small gestures like notes and flowers.
make her dinner, run her a bubble bath, bring her roses and give her a massage... i bet you if you pampered her it would make her very happy, and the massage would probably turn her on.
why are you so attached to sex man, if she thinks you are cute then wait till she approaches you romance is a bit different from sex so hold and i am sure she will approach you sooner or later good luck:)
Then why dont you start to be a romantic guy?

Your not honestly going to think your gonna get anything off her without being romantic and stuff.
Be more romantic definetly. Just relax and be yourself...doesn't have to be anything big. Try It should give you some tips on how to turn her on.
Talk dirty.

Slowly Rub/tickle her thighs and And Kiss Her stomach and the inside of her thighs.

kiss her gently on the back of her neck.
Show her affection and care. As u said u r good looking... looks count but care count more. Her heart will be drawn toward ur kindness and care, that's a forward step.
perhaps she's lost her sex drive...

stop asking for sex and see what happens then... if necessary, dump her and move on...
sometimes you got to make a big gesture just to remind them how much you care.

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