Sunday, December 20, 2009

Astrological romantic advice for an Aquarius?

So I'm an Aquarius with Scorpio moon and Capricorn ascendant. I've also got Mercury in Aquarius, and Venus and Mars in Capricorn.

I've got a lot of difficulty with ';romantic'; relationships.

I've only ever had one guy tell me he ';likes'; me, when I was sixteen years old. I didn't get my first kiss until that time.

But it seems no one ever shows any interest in me, and the VERY few who have, I wasn't the least bit attracted to.

I don't see myself as unttractive or ugly, and I've had other people tell me that I'm pretty.

I'm friends with almost everyone, and I try to be the best person I can. I don't have much close female friends, but the ones I do have always seem to have a boyfriend or have guys drooling all over them. Most of them also cheat on their partners frequently.

I don't get it, I'm a strong, friendly, sociable, intelligent person but guys don't find that attractive? Is it something in my astrological makeup?

(No astrological bashing here, please. Thanks)Astrological romantic advice for an Aquarius?
A lot of us....aquariuses....are kinda detatched and have difficulty making deeper connections. How are you with these friends....close, or just kind of acquaintences? Because that's a typical aquarian trait...having many acquaintinces, but few closer relationships. I'm not sure what this has to do with guys...maybe you're not looking for the right type of guys? Try a libra man. Good thing is (or possibly bad thing, I dunno) that once Aquarius 'clicks' with that person, they become pretty much the center of their world. good luck to you ;)Astrological romantic advice for an Aquarius?
I am also Aquarius with Scorpio moon...perhaps an odd combination...I'm not sure.

When I was in high school, not many boys were attracted to me, but I thought it was my looks (kinda not mainstream, not as acceptable as now) and my ma shamed me about it sooo much.

I can see how other factors come into play. I also was friends with guys but not romantic.

I think it will happen. Give it time. Its hard to be patient, but you will meet somebody.

I think worrying drives men away, so try not to do that.

My daughter, also Aquarius did not have boyfriends in high school. The men that liked her were WAY older. Unfortanately she was tempted by that.

Anyway, she finally met a man who fell for her at about age 29.

Be the best you you can be and someone will appreciate it and love you for that.

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