Sunday, December 20, 2009

Being romantic? advice!?

how can i be romantic to my gf?Being romantic? advice!?
Well be thoughtful towards her and what she likes to do. Surprise her with a candle lit dinner or maybe take her on a picnic :) Writing poetry is also very romantic. You sound like a very nice guy. You obviously want to do something sweet for her :)Being romantic? advice!?
How to be romantic?!Uhm...I would say when she is like washing the dishes or something,go behind her back %26amp;%26amp; hold her wait %26amp;%26amp; whisper in her ear %26amp;%26amp; say ';baby,I love you';.Take her to bed or plan to take her out on a date.I recommend you to take her on a date %26amp;%26amp; eat dinner by the sunset.You can do this if you are going to ask her to marry you:))
some girls doesnt wnt guys to be over romantic smetyms..

all u hve to do is do sme simple sweet thngs..

kiss on the forehead or on the hand!!!!!!!!!

mke her feel that shes a princess without u spendng too much money.

ask her to watch movies then aftr the movie buy her sme ice cream or smethng (it might sme knda childish bt ths thngs works)

or mybe go for a simple diiner

or mybe COOK FOR HER

write some letters for her, girls knws that guys hates writhng stuff... gve sme tym writng her letters or flirty notes!

and im pretty sure she'l be reading that every nyt

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