Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Can i have some romantic advice?

ok,so theres this guy,let's call him bob.bob%26amp;i met at a christmas part i hosted,he was a friend of my cousin.we kinda hit it off and talked alot on the phone,but that was it,he lives about an hour away.but my mom doesnt like him%26amp;he said something rude about my mom,whatever,i just got mad at him %26amp;it was done.then a few months later we started talking again,but i felt like i was the only one making any effort,and when i talked to him about it he said it wasnt i stopped calling him and he never called me,never texted me,IMed me,or even sent something on myspace.nothing.about eight months later,or a couple days ago,i got a phone call at 130AM.i was sleeping,i didnt pick up,but i got a voicemail the next day saying things like ';i'm so sorry i stopped talking to you,you probably dont have feelings for me,but i still care for you,i was so stupid to stop talking to you';etc.but he blocked his number,so i cant call him even if i wanted to. and i think he was drunk too, but not i have some romantic advice?
Once I got a call from a guy I hadn't talked to in over three years (he had blown me off)..he calls at three in the morning and was drunk. I handled it by smiling that he thought of me since that stroked my ego some, then went on my life forgetting him again. So my advice is forget about him. If he really wants to win you back, a late night drunk phone call isn't the way in. Good luck!!Can i have some romantic advice?
ohh yea i can definetly tell if he was drunk becuz i heard the messagea nd everything....okay if he called at 1 30 its becuz he probably thought u wouldnt pick up so leave it be
wait awhile and seee if he calls or tries to contact u agian if he really wants u he will
The guy seems very disrespectful and will never be able to appreciate a good woman.

He called you at 1:30 AM at those hours it is rude to call any body unless it is an emergency.

I say you are lucky you don't love him, and you should loose his number and forget about him for 8 months and see if you feel like call him after a long time. But you are better of never meeting the real mess he is.

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