Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I need Romantic Advice!! Please help!?

I met this guy named Jeremy when I worked at Walmart 2 years ago. I was living my with current boyfriend so we were only really good friends. After a month of hanging out, we started to feel very strong feelings for each other. Since then my boyfriend and I had moved 1200 miles away and been here 2 years now, and still the Jeremy and I hold very strong feelings for each other. I went to visit him while I was in Oklahoma for Thanksgiving and all of those feelings came rushing back. He wants to be with me and I feel that if we were together that I would find everything Ive ever wanted in a man in him. But he doesnt make alot of money and isnt as cute as others, and Im having a hard time making that jump to be with him. What is wrong with me?I need Romantic Advice!! Please help!?
Youre probably just scaraed because you're jjumping into a serious relationship . You're making excuses to why he isnt right for you, but dont worry. He obviously is right for you and you love eachother . Just follow oyur heart. Dont be scared, forget about money, looks, etc. Just think about how much you love him and it will be a lot easier.I need Romantic Advice!! Please help!?
You're thinking too much with the head and hormones. First off if he's not as cute as others who cares? Looks aren't everything. Even the best looking will eventually not look that good. As far as the money goes, it's not like he's always going to work there right? Go with what feels right and will make you happier.
It sounds like your relationship with your current boyfriend is missing something. Whatever that something is, Jeremy is providing it which is making you attracted to him more than your boyfriend. Try to find out what it is. Once you do, apply that to your current relationship.

If you truly don't want to be with your boyfriend anymore, then I suggest a break-up (even though you might not be with Jeremy). Staying in a relationship you don't want to be in is never a good thing. It hurts both parties and creates a lot of stress. You also might lose a friend.
Do u want cute person or do u want thsi guy...........

Do u want nice %26amp; rich person or do u want this guy..........

The decsion is urs..........if u love him then..........just go for him....................
money, i can understand. but as long as he is not pooor poor, isn't that good enough? love needs sacrifce. being cute, you can't judge someone based on his appearance bec it will change after years...cute guys can have more than one gf at a time....thats even more headache...go w/ ur true feelings...
Sounds to me like you only like guys with looks and money. You need to let this jeremy guy go and be happy rathr then tag him along
if u really feel dat strong bout him...stronger then ur boyfriend u should b with him... forget bout wat ppl say da feelings n personality counts more then just apperance... go for him if hes everytan u been lookin 4 in a guy... wish ya gud luck! =)
i agree with arria love doesnt depend on wage and looks. if you feel truly that you dont wanna stop being with him and if its right go for it! it will work itself out love will always prevail over overday problems.
Nothings wrong with you. If you feel stronger feelings for him, maybe its a good thing for you to move on. Your probably worrying about losing your friendship with your current boyfriend. He may not be cute now, but eventually, you'll become physically attracted to him because of his personality.
If you are basing what could be the love of your life on money and looks, then maybe you are not deserving of him as a potential mate.

don't be vain. follow your heart.
u should bang him and see how much u like it
you mite not really love him.

if u do.

u will leave ur current bf for him.

idk though.

its ur feelings ur life and ur relationships.

u have to do wut u want to do.

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