Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Romantic Advice(does this sound good?)?

Alright, well i realized i was stupid like, 2 minutes ago and i wanna convince this girl i like her. so heres my idea, and i wanna know if its good/ anything better i could add.

I was going to ask her to dinner and set up a wire table and chairs on the beach. then gonna set candles around it and on the table (the classic candlelight dinner heh) and i was gonna find out her favorite food and cook it. i'm not the BEST cook, but im not bad. besides we have an inside joke about it. the only problem is, i dunno what i can do. i could figure it out, but i wanted ot know if there were good ideas out there. i wanted to make it romantic without it being, you know, cheesy. any suggestions?Romantic Advice(does this sound good?)?
it seems like you have it. your idea is so cute!Romantic Advice(does this sound good?)?
1. have some friends help out on this one - find a room, set it up to be filled with candles as soon as she walks in she'll see u (dressed formal) n hand her a rose. (either do one or the other...) sing a romantic song or play one n slow dance with her n admit ur feelings.

2. spend the whole day with her, take her out, have her smiling, just the2 of u. take her home n walk her to the door n admit ur feelings.

3. the beach...u got covered.

4. u can leave a rose trail that'll run from her front door to any place of ur choice n she'll find u n tell her.

that's all i got. hope it helps.

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