Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Need some romantic advice!?

My GF describes herself a romantic but I am the complete opposite and I think it's gets to her sometimes. I need some unique ideas and things I can do to show her that I love her. All I can think of are the same old stupid things like buy her things, flowers etc. Anyone have any really cool ideas? (And yes I really do love her! I'm just pathetic when it comes to romantic stuff)Need some romantic advice!?
Here's something I did which might sound over the top, but might give you some ideas.

Put clues all around the house, one leading to the next, preferably make them rhyme, but doesn't matter if they don't. Eventually they lead to a treasure map. She has to follow the treasure map - at some point it will go through a wood or a garden or a park and she has to follow a trail of flowers/roses/shells/something special to the two of you. Eventually it leads to an x (made with crossed branches) and she has to dig. She digs up a wooden chest. The chest contains a key - to a hotel room or a friends house (that he's lending you for the night) with the address tied to the key. She goes to the place, opens the door, and is greeted with hundreds of candles on the floor (tea lights) spelling out the words I Love You. You step forward and present her with a single red rose. You have a candle lit dinner with music playing. If you're at a friends house, cook dinner for her, and have the dinner fit a theme. For example, if you met at the beach, make a seafood dinner. If she loves dolphins, make everything dolphin shaped. If she's from Italy, make an Italian dinner. If she's always wanted to go to China, make a Chinese dinner. If there's a place thats special to the two of you, use that. If you can remember what your first date was or where you met, that could inspire you. Or just make her favourite meal and base the rest of the dinner around that.

For example I did this at Christmas time so the trail was with holly leaves rather than flowers, and so the dinner was holly themed. Red Wine. Mushrooms stuffed with green pesto, garnished with redcurrants. Red Tomato Soup with swirls of cream and pesto. Green Kale chips instead of bread. A Holly Shaped Salad - I drew a holly leaf with pesto, then filled the green parts with shredded spinach and basil, and filled the middle with cherry tomatoes. A Variation of Cottage Pie where the base was bolognaise instead of the usual mince in gravy, and the top was colcannon (an Irish dish made of mash mixed with kale) and I blended the milk with spirulina to make the mash green. Topped with a few cherry tomatoes which roasted in the oven.

Dessert was a Yuletide Chocolate Log, decorated with holly (mint-honey puree and redcurrants).

After dinner, ask her to dance.

If you're staying at a house, then make a bed on the floor, preferably out of satin sheets. Fill the bed with rose petals. Place tealights in the shape of a heart all the way around the bed.

Give her a hot oil massage, starting with an indian head massage and ending with her feet.

Feed her chocolates. A fondue set, for dipping strawberries in melted chocolate, to feed to each other, is nice too. Stroke her face with the rose you gave her earlier.

She would want to be dressed up for the dinner, so you could ask her friend to go round earlier and give her a makeover - they would have to both give each other makeovers, otherwise she would get suspicious. You could also include a dress in the treasure chest. You could have them fit a theme too such as a gypsy dress and gypsy shoes, and then be playing gypsy music at the house. Or you could just leave instructions with the treasure map, to dress up. If you want to give her jewellery you could put that in the chest, but be careful not to give her a ring, because after all that, she would think you were proposing, especially as you don't usually do stuff like that.

If this is too OTT you could just leave a trail of roses in the park leading to you, sitting on a blanket, with a picnic basket, which includes strawberries to feed each other, and two wine glasses and a bottle of wine. You're all set for a romantic lunch/afternoon.

Good Luck with whatever you decide to do.Need some romantic advice!?
I got it, this has worked for me and it keeps on giving.

Very carefully unwrap a whole bag of Hershey kisses and take the little paper ';kiss'; off replacing it with ones you made with little custom quotes on it like ';I love it when you laugh'; or ';I slept till the day I met you'; you get the point.

Re-wrap the kisses and just leave them around where she'll find them. Once she catches on she will think its the most romantic thing any one has ever done for her. Partially because its a ***** unwrapping them and writing real small on tiny strips of paper.
Romantic stuff doesn't have to cost anything.

A walk in the park, enjoying the soon fall colors.

A thoughtful homemade card.

An evening in, with a movie in her liking. Pop some corn or a soft drink.

Do something she likes to do, that you don't.

Spend money? A river boat dinner ride. We have fancy dinner trains in our area.

I still like to walk hand in hand at the zoo and the fair.

Inconsiderate in any way, loses points.

90% of the romantic crap girls know come from romance novels and magazines. just pick up a girl magazine and read its got tons of stupid crap in there to do.

Hey its your choice man but after skimming these comments what do you think is gonna pay off, getting it from the source of why men have no idea (unless you read that crap) or thinking stuff you already said you do, buy stuff, cook dinner, blah blah.
Sometimes the most thoughtful thing a man could do is also the simplest!!!! My BF is no chef, however if I come home from work and dont have to make dinner or clean up he could serve Mac and Cheese and I would apreciate it!!!!

Flowers and candy is lovely... but sometimes little things mean so much more!!!

Congrats on looking for ideas, that's really sweet!!! Best of Luck
Take her to a lake or river if the weather is right and pack a nice lunch have some fun. Tell her your going somewhere but dont say where, go to and amusment park,club,museum,boating, skiing or something that you havent done since you 1st met that she enjoys. Horse back riding What do you two like to do. Suprises are great.
do something from the heart write her a poem or make her favorite dinner put a lot of effort into it. hold her hand and look into her eyes tell her something she wants to hear and MEAN it. take her to the ocean and bring a picnic. take her for a walk in the park and watch the sunset.
Take her out for date. Pack a picnic and go to the park and watch the stars. Just listen to her and get her favorite food. Good Luck.

Help me if you can.鈥?/a>
take her out to dinner thinking it's just a regular thing.

and surprise her.

blindfold her, and bring her to a pretty place, where you guys can walk around and be together :]
Help her with dishes, cleaning around house. Be a good listener. Kiss her on the cheek sometimes. Tell her why you love her. Give her compliments. etc
make her some homemade love letters. My fiance' used to make special handmade gifts for me and I loved it. Make sure to keep it up too because if you stop doing special things for her she will be sad.
make a picnic for you %26amp; her.

rent some old movies and watch them just with her.

send her random emails or whatever describing things you love about her.
haha.. being a romantic means lots of love, if you want it old school. go on a romantic date, think of romantic places. maybe at night or day, just b creative!
really pay attention to her. her favorites like colors books. use that info to help. you don't need money just a good heart and some imagination
  • great wear
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