Sunday, December 20, 2009

Romantic advice........preferably only female answers?

My wife is a VERY simple woman. I find it hard to romance her because she doesn't do the whole romantic thing. It has also become harder to actually turn her on to make love. I'm a very romantic guy so i find this as a very big dilemma to me. any ideas on how to actually seduce my wife to make her feel as sexy as she looks to me?Romantic advice........preferably only female answers?
I am in a very similar relationship my husband has in the past not been the romantic one.

One day I sat down and wrote him a letter about how I loved him and what he means to me. When he got home I had dinner ready with candles. Roses on the bed with the letter it is the first time in two years that I have seen him cry.

So you don't have to spend a lot of time or money into making things romantic just do what comes from your heart and the romancing will take care of it's self. Plus chances are that even if she tells you that she doesn't care about the romantic stuff she'll love anything romantic as long as it is the true way that you feel.Romantic advice........preferably only female answers?
It's great you are asking about this and eager to make things wonderful for the two of you, but ultimately the two of you will need to talk about this. I could suggest what works for me, feeling cherished, safe and supported - those are things that allow you to be yourself in his presence and thus enjoy making love together.

But honestly, you should be taking her out for dinner, and make time afterwards for a good heart to heart discussion - without kids or interruptions - and focus on each other.

I wish you luck and hope she can be open to your concerns.

All the best!
Ask her what ';romance'; means to her. Ask her what makes HER feel loved and wanted. Not everyone is impressed by candles and flowers, but each one of us has something that makes us feel cared for.
well first off it would help to ask her what she likes, what turns her on more than anything, then go from there to see if you can suprise her. Women love getting suprises sometimes go crazy wondering what you're doing for them or what you got them. Try it out see what happens.
How did you romance her when you were dating? How did you sweep her off her feet? and in the ';honeymoon'; stage of your marriage, how was it?

Think about those questions, find the answers and you'll be on your way to romancing your wife again.

Also - there are romantic board games available that encourage discussion. While they can lead to an intimate encounter, they don't have to. But by playing them together and having those open discussions, you'll learn more about each other.

Communication is very important to every relationship - you need to sit and talk with your wife about what you both want in your marriage.

Best Wishes
Everybody has something that turns them on. Open the lines of communication and find out what that thing is for your wife and give her so much of it she will not longer be able to contain herself, tease her and make her want it more, you're a romantic guy, you should know the game!

Also, never refer to your wife as simple, you may never find out what she likes if you think of her like that. You never know she may be a kinky sex kitten on the inside, you just need to bring it out in her.

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