Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Romantic story advice?

im wrighting a book and i need some romanic stuff.. its a romance, tragic action story. Romantic story advice?
well have you ever read the book atonement?

it good it talks about a tragic love story.

-i would suggest that the characters be older. 18-20.....

people are fascinated more with realistic stuff.

-Don't make make too predicable.

like..boy meets girl. they fall in love. the end. no

-look for other books for advice.

like twilight, best book ever.

-I think you should add some friend, family drama.

that makes it more interesting to read =]

-Put something like, romeo and juliet. hehe now thats romantic

write a story that would want people aching for more =]Romantic story advice?
Develop your characters - not just the ones in love, but all of them, as many people can and will affect their relationship, too - and you'll have your answer.

Edit to jack - Don't look to other books for ';advice.'; Make your own story. If you read other books when you have writer's block or when you're trying to come up with a good plot/character, all you'll be able to think of is what you read in that book.
misunderstanding is the key to heart ache.

Boy meets girl, they like each other but he cannot express his feelings, she on the other hand can but is put off by his silence. She shuns him, he feeling rebuked wants her more. She is almost unattainable now. He at night has her in his head, her red dress searing his mind. He is at his wits end, so he pours all his thoughts down in a letter to her. Does he have the guts to deliver it to her? He gets a friend to do it for him. The acquaintance, his friend falls for the girl too. Oh what a mess. She falls for the author of the letter; but who wrote it. Who is sending her all these signals of love and adoring her from a distance?
you need to be a little more specific.

Ill do my best.

romantic ways that a girl can be rescued by a man:

I held on with all of the strength left in my weak body. I could feel my fingers slipping, and myself falling.

Just as I could here the end calling out to me, I felt a hand on mine, and I was being swept through the air by a dark figure.
My advice is to not do the ';Love at first sight'; thing.

I think you should start the story where they hate each other or are best friends but nothing romantic.

I answered your previous question; same answer applies here. =)

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