Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Typical young adult guy seeks romantic advice from women.?

Yeah, hello. I guess I'm at the age where you would still consider me a teenager, and I need some advice. See, I've never actually been in a relationship before, and it's come to my attention that I may have been missing something terribly for the past four years of my life. Thing is, when I get to college, I don't want to be completely out of whack as far as how to act in certain ';dating environments';/situations like dinner conversation or kissing or touchy-feely or any of that.

Anyway, first of all, what's the best way to attract a girl, or pick up on her? What are traits that are mostly looked upon as ';appealing'; by your crowd? (Or you personally.)

Second, how can I make it through the ';asking out'; process without looking foolish?

Third, when's the right time in the dating ';process'; to make a move for that kiss or hug or whatever? And for that matter, are there any faux-pas' that would ruin that encounter?

Thanks.Typical young adult guy seeks romantic advice from women.?
Treat girls as friends; it makes everything more comfortable for both of you, and everything happens more naturally. Talk to them, compliment them, make them feel good, make them smile/laugh.

There's no way to ask someone out without feeling weird. The only advice I can give you is to be specific (example: Do you want to see a movie tomorrow night?) because if you just say ';Do you want to go out some time';, and she says no, there's no chance, but if you say specifics and she says no, you can try again.

As for kissing, etc., you'll know when the time is right. I know it sounds stupid, but it's true. Also, she will give signs if she wants to. I'd give you a list, but they're pretty obvious when you're in the situation, and I don't even really notice any more.

Good luck!!! :)Typical young adult guy seeks romantic advice from women.?
I'm younger than you, but i may be able to offer at least some advice.

I know this sounds very cheesy and over used, but the best way to pick up a girl is to be yourself. If you act like anything you're not she'll eventually find out and realize you're not the guy she thought she liked... not good. Just try to stay courteous and nice to anyone and everyone, that may help any first-impressions.

The only way you can look severely foolish while asking a girl out is to actually think you'll look foolish. it's a whole psychological thing... Just do your best to stay confident, look her in the eye, and if she says no, then she said no. It may be hard, but it's not a horrible or unheard of ordeal. And do you want to ask a girl to go on a date or to be steady? that makes a difference too. (If you plan on it being one date, make sure you already know what you'd want to do and pick a few days to leave options if she's busy on one of them).

This one is kind of hard to answer... no one else can really tell you the right time to kiss... I know my boyfriend waited until ';he was about to explode resisting';, as he put it... you may just have a feeling that you want to. The hug is easier to approach, especially if she hugs her friends every time she sees them. You could probably just ask straight out ';Hug?'; or ';Can i get a hug?' if that's not too uncomfortable for you.

and faux-pas that would ruin it? Parents coming randomly. Teachers/faculty seeing, maybe? Or if you have the type of friends that would make fun of you after... It really depends on environment i guess.

I hope this was able to help a little...
Okay, girls love: funny, smart, cute boys, who aren't afraid to to show their feeling once in a while. These guys can practly pull off anyting as long a there cutious and not abnoxious. Secondly, since you're new at this I would ask the girl out to like a movie someting where there's not so much talking involved in the first night. Last, for a first date a hug is appropriate and if she feels she wants a kiss she'll lean in so don't be afraid to recipricate. Good Luck!:)

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