Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I need a bit of... romantic advice.?


I'm a young teen, around 16, and I've never been too successful in my love life. However, that is unimportant. First and foremost, I believe that love is a very serious thing that shouldn't be taken lightly. In light of this, none of the girls that I know in real life seem to interest me enough. Recently i have started work on a collaborative project with a bunch of people and one of them is a girl.

This is my problem. I was talking to a group of people on skype and she was one of the people. I think of myself as a pretty good judge of character, and after talking with her for a solid 5 hours I feel like I know what her personality is like. Here is my list of problems.

1. Despite feeling that love is a serious thing, for some reason I'm really starting to like this girl, even though I haven't seen her face, and I frankly don't know too much about her.

2. She doesn't know much about me, and I'm sure that no matter how long I take to get to know her, she's gonna think I'm a stalker or something if I try asking her out.

3. Well, I can't really ask her out because she lives on the other side of the world, and that's really a problem in itself.

4. I want to know if other people think it's really creepy that I'm obsessing over this girl. Keep in mind that I'm not any kind of stalker, and that I mean no harm whatsoever.

Please answer honestly, this is turning into a real problem, and I really have no idea what I should do.

And lastly, a few requests for your answers.

- I invite constructive criticism

- I know I'm 16, but please don't use that as an answer. Something like ';Well, you're a teenager, it's normal to be a little confused'; is not going to help at all.

- Pleas, please respond with something even if you don't think you have a good enough answer. I'll take any advice I can get.

- thanks very much!I need a bit of... romantic advice.?
ohhh it's so sad that she lives on the other side of the world! you seem like a very mature 16 year old... and I'm sure she is a sweet girl too. I have never been in this situation before... a long distance relationship is something that I haven't experienced... but I think that you should just keep talking to her and getting to know her, get some contact details from her like email or mobile and even after the project is over you can continue to talk to her. It might be fun to have someone on the other side of the world that you can connect to, and if it goes well and you think you might really love her, imagine how exciting it would be to go on an overseas trip and meet her for the first time!

I think you should just keep going how you are going, chat to her a lot, if it is meant to be, there is nothing to stop you!I need a bit of... romantic advice.?
I've been there dude, my first girlfriend was a 16 hour drive away. We met online and I barely knew what she looked like when I started to love her. Don't do it, just don't. It won't work out, one person will be the only thing holding it together and only till the other person finds someone new. Cheating is common in long distance relationships, even though it's wrong.
i know what you mean when you say that feel like you know her personality, but you still dont really have any way of seeing each other. sorry, but it would be the logical thing to do to forget her.

btw im 14 and it is normal to be confused. im sorry, but its natural.

anyway, good luck!
Okay well this is hard, because you're interested in someone that is all the way across the world. The only thing that you really can do at this point is just to keep talking to her on the internet. You never know, she might come around your area one day and you might get to see her. but don't get your hopes up ! I suggest just keep talking to her and being friends, don't stress yourself out about this, especially since you can't see her right now. relax %26amp; don't worry. go along with your life and keep being happy =) it'll be okay and if you guys are meant to meet someday, you will somehow. good luck, i hope i helped.
If she lives on the other side of the world you obviously can't ask her on a date. You can have an online relationship, but they can be difficult. Talk to her more online and get to know her as best as you can. I don't think it is creepy, some times you just connect with someone. It makes things hard that she lives so far away, but if you like talking to her you can talk to her over the internet. Get to know her and let her get to know you, be honest with her. Maybe you will get to meet her someday. Good luck!

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