Sunday, December 20, 2009

Why do people here ask romantic advice from complete strangers?

I know people come here to have their questions answered, but you don't know whether it's a marriage councelor or a 12 year old prankster on the other end. Our society teaches us not to trust strangers, especially online, but this is beyond that. People have their very life goals evaluated by strangers. I won't touch the ';What do men want in a woman'; question I see so oftenWhy do people here ask romantic advice from complete strangers?
Because sometimes people are so desperate to understand, especially when it comes to the affairs of teh heart. They come here hoping someone who has in the past been through what they are going through right now could help them with it.Why do people here ask romantic advice from complete strangers?
I think maybe they ask the questions on here because they don't know the people that answer,they don't have to hide the pride to ask,and there's no need for embarrassment because of the fact they don't know the person on the other end!
I ask because I like to get a variety of answers. I may or may not take them to heart, I may or may not take tha advice, but alot of times to help yourself come up with a better answer, you need to hear the wrong ones first.

Different perspective can really improve yours.
to see what other people think.
most of the time people who post these questions know the answer in their heart and just need more people to point them in the right direction, although i do agree with you if they take any advice given to them from complete strangers on relationship issues without serious consideration for any consequences they are obviously too Young to be in a relationship
Sometimes people have an idea of what they think about the subject, and confirmation from an outside source reassures them that their thoughts are valid.

Others don't know where else to turn, especailly if they don't want anyone else around them to know their issues.

Others like the diversity of answers given, and it helps them to think of things that perhaps had never crossed their minds before.

There are so many reasons, and in essence, we really just don't know. However while people are asking, I'll keep answering and hope that what I say will help them in their lives.
Everybody cannot afford to go to a Marriage Counselor at 65-80 dollars per hour. Also, don't you think it is better for someone to talk to someone else to try and see what other peoples view point is before they try to solve it for themselves? Or do you think that keeping questions bottled up inside, if you cannot talk to your mother, father or relatives about something, or even a gf or bf, is better? The other thing is, if you want no one to know who you are and what your problems are...where would you rather go, friends, family or some anonymous person?

You seem to have a level head on your should get on here and help...just think, then people will have someone who is not a 12yo prankster or marriage counselor to help!!!!!
I tend to share more when I do not know who is listening and when they can not see me. The cool thing is that you get 9, 15, 28 or how many answers and that just makes yous ee the picture from an outsiders point of view.

Naturally you are going to get some ridiculous answers and some that really makes you feel angry, but most of the time I find that people are serious and that they really want to help you.

The ultimate is not to take the answers you get and go by them, but to read them, ponder on them and then decide what you want to do... You do not even have to follow the advice of anyone...

I enjoy this very much because anyone, from any culture, background or continent can answer. Yey!!!
Because it is safe to ask strangers other then our friends.
it's nice to know that smn can help you with your problems or might even relate and some give really good advice .. besides it's free and you have nothing to lose

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