Sunday, December 20, 2009

Need romantic advice (men and women welcome)....?

Here's the situation - it's my girlfriend and my 2 year aniversary tomorrow and I'm sat on the net at what is local time - 01:26 - trying to decide whether to take her to paris as a gift - now things between us haven't always been great and money isn't exactly easy to come buy - some i'm thinking - a weekend in paris with her - or a new souround sound system, a couple of new video games and a few nights out with friends.

What do you guys reckon?Need romantic advice (men and women welcome)....?
I think you shouldn't go if you've been having problems with love and money. She should be happy with a dozen roses and a simple 'I love you'. Don't pressure yourself into doing something that will put stess on your relationship in the future (let's face it, money problems can break a relationship and how the heck will you top this gift next year!?!)Need romantic advice (men and women welcome)....?
as wonderful as paris sounds, i think it would be too much. not to mention troubles with the economy. sometimes the best gift is a suprise alone night. dont just get her gifts, get her memories. those are what we cherish most. take her out to dinner and maybe snuggle up for a movie. it doesnt need to be lavish to make her happy.

its nice that you want to celebrate. congradualtions :)
helll yeah i would go with the sorround system, you can take her on the third aniversary to paris if she loves u she would understand
I LOVE Paris, but if you're having problems, both in the relationship and financially, it's a crazy (CRAZY) expensive place, and so it would be ill advised to go there now. And a weekend in Paris isn't near long enough; if you're going to go, you must do it properly, especially if it's your or her first time there. So, save Paris until you have enough money to do it well. You probably have enough money to take your girlfriend to a romantic bed and breakfast somewhere nice but closeby for the weekend and get the surround sound system and a couple of new video games and have fun with your friends for the same price that you'd pay for a weekend in Paris.
  • great wear
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