Sunday, December 20, 2009

Romantic Advice NEEDED (please)!?

I was in a play with this guy over the holidays. I was immediately attracted to him, but I thought he was way too old for me. Turns out we're the same age- just he looks and acts very mature. I am also quite mature. We go to different schools. I guess you could call us 'friends.' I just don't know how to proceed toward anything further. I only talk to him through email. Any ways or ideas to help make this go forward? Or should I consider myself 'out of his league' and move on? I can give more details of our personalities or interactions if it would help.

I asked him to coffee (over email, stupidly), and he said sure, after finals. But I'm still nervous. How do I ask for his number?

I know I've asked this a few times, but the more people who reply, the more confidence I get and the more ideas I get. So keep them coming. Thanks so much to everyone who's helped. It's meant a lot =)Romantic Advice NEEDED (please)!?
Well as the saying goes..'Nothing ventured, nothing gained.' No one is out of anyone's league. Get it. Now stop that nonsense.Romantic Advice NEEDED (please)!?
Well, I have a few questions: How far away are your schools? Are you comfortable with the idea of Email/phone being the only reliable means of sustaining your relationship? Can you trust him to be faithful?

On to your questions:

';Any ways or ideas to help make this go forward? ';

Best way to take something from online/ sparse meeting to more serious is to simply go on dates. Not the big dinner/movie dates. Like goto a club date (if you are old enough) or go bowling. Something where you can talk. You definately don't want to restrict yourself to dinner/movie if you are moving something from online to offline.

';Or should I consider myself 'out of his league' and move on?';

No one is ever out of anyone's league. Some people just don't ballparks they have to play in. It's their fault for not liking whats infront of them.

Easiest way to ask for his number is the following:

';Hey, would you mind giving me your number so I can contact you after finals and set up our coffee date?'; Just coming out and asking it is the best thing. Unlike women (no offense meant), Guys don't like hints and tips.... the more straight forward you are with us, the better we respond.
Just ask him for his number and tell him the reason you want it is because you want to hear his voice.
they dont too often go outside their religion when it comes to relationships.She might like u but as soon as her parents get wind of it,they will ';forbid'; her
  • great wear
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