Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Why are 16 year old kids giving romantic advice to adults on marriage?

I find this pretty rediculous. Time and time again I go to answer a question regarding whether or not a person should marry their boyfriend of 7 months at the age of 20, and numerous teenagers are on there telling them; ';It's ok as long as you love each other';. I find it hilarious that these 16-17 year old kids think they have the world figured out and the fact that they and their idiot boyfriend had sex for the first time, all of the sudden it's true love. Let me tell you something. When a 16 year old kid is giving marital advice to 30-40 year old person, it's worthless. They say that they have plenty of relationship experience. That's like flying on an airplane and saying you have experience piloting a jet. It's like being the smartest kid with down-syndrome. Listen to me kids. Stick to what you know. And that is talking on the cell phone for 3-4 hours straight, making out with your boyfriends best friend, and Xbox 360.Why are 16 year old kids giving romantic advice to adults on marriage?

i am young (19) , and i do try to give out relationship advice, but I'm not a 16 year old convinced I'm in love. That's just silly.

I hate when I ask an adult questions, and get silly answers from 13 year olds. It drives me crazy. Almost as crazy as when 13 year olds are on saying their in love and ready to have sex, and blah blah blah.Why are 16 year old kids giving romantic advice to adults on marriage?
Maybe in some cases, they try to give advice on marriage because they themselves come from broken or unhealthy homes where the parental figures are absent or don't get along very well. I think some would try to respond to those questions on marriage to either avoid what they experience through their parents or make up for it.
That sounds incredibly biased to me. Who ever said that teenagers can't give good advice? The amount of experience one has is irrelevant - teenagers can sometimes see what adults cannot. On that note, I know the kind that you're referring to, and they are annoying.
haha guess what and im 14 i grew up in a rough house so I know what to tell people no one can truely give good advice if they dont know what your life is like. So i dont give crap like as long as they love each other . I would give adivce on maybe what to say. Of course I dont know everything about relationships and neither do you . :)
What was the point of this question?

Also that's pretty much a stereotype. I don't do that stuff. If someone asks advice aren't they the stupid one since they know there's a lot of teens on here, and then they take their advice? So just you shut up on what YOU don't know!
How bout u get over urself ae? Yeh i do like my playstation and hooking up with f**k loads of guys and txting 24/7, but 16+ years olds know alot more than wat u think. wat about these old c*nts going thru mid life crisis, cnt reli say their lifes r that sorted out
u no what i hate.

when people think just because we are young, we dont no anything abot life. well your wrong mr.

some of us have lived it all. i no that may sound like allot of bull, but its true. some people grow up faster than others.

I'm not good in school, i don't plan on making much of my life. but i no what to expect, and i no plenty about love from watching my other brother, my parents, and many uncle's and aunts go threw allot of ****. it all depends on the person, and how they look at things.

but idk. im just a dumb 15 year old girl.
Hahahahaa you know what I think is ridiculous? You. You're getting unreasonably angry, old man. Everyone can put forth their opinion and its not up to you to decide whether that opinion is valid or not. The only thing you get to decide is whether you want to take the advice or not. If you don' t want answers, don't ask questions. And I can bet that I am smarter than you will ever be so don't give me crap about your stereotypes on teenagers. I understand that some answerers are unintelligent moronic kids, but there is no need to stereotype all teenagers.

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